As long as the two countries remain in confrontation mode, they will not be able to realize their full potential and their role in regional cooperation and integration. Recent events in northern Kosovo have once again demonstrated the risks of escalation, or even major conflict. This is why urgent action regarding the unresolved question of the status of Kosovo and the question of the rights of its minority Serb community is necessary now.
With this in mind, Germany and France recently launched a new effort, presenting a “European proposal» and in close collaboration with EU partners, including Italy, Miroslav Lajčák – the EU Special Representative for the region – and the United States. So far, Serbia and Kosovo have both indicated their acceptance of the text, but differences regarding modalities and implementation remain. As is often the case in crisis diplomacy, it is the small print or the attached text that counts.
But the solution is simple: Serbia must accept the fact that Kosovo is here to stay, including on the international stage. And Kosovo must accept the need to address the concerns of its Serb minority, including by agreeing to the planned formation of an association of Serb-majority municipalities.
As a friend of Kosovo and Serbia, and a former EU negotiator myself, I urge President Vučić and Prime Minister Kurti to take a leap of faith now. On March 18, in Ohrid, both will have a historic opportunity to demonstrate political courage and leadership. And now is the time to move Serbia and Kosovo forward together, in the interests of their people, in the interests of the Western Balkans and in the interests of peace and security on the European continent.
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