Albanian daily news

Dear compatriots!

Dear ambassadors!

Dear representatives of religious communities!

Dear media representatives!

Dear friends and guests!

Welcome and thank you for coming together on the most important day of the Albanian nation, the 111th anniversary of the declaration of free and independent Albania, our Flag Day.

In this November of the second century of the independence of the Albanian state – when much has been achieved thanks to the indomitable efforts of Albanians inside and outside – we must be infinitely proud of our country , this common house of God and the host.

November 28 marks the celebration of a people who have managed to preserve their unique identity, as part of European culture, without provoking any conflict, without eyeing any foreign territory. The Albanians of the Balkans prove every day how borders can be transformed into meeting points of opportunities and not into opportunities to reignite conflicts and divisions. Our friendship and trust have been and are as true as the generosity of nature towards Albania, as well as the generosity of Albanians towards every friend.

Dear compatriots and friends!

On November 28, 580 years ago, our national hero George Castrioti Skanderbeg raised the red and black flag for the first time in Kruja. On November 28, 1912, Ismail Qemali raised the flag and proclaimed the independence of Albania, making this important date the starting point of national awakening and the declaration of our European belonging. On November 28, in Prekaz, Kosovo, Adem Jashari was born, the leader of the liberation of Kosovo, the hero of all Albanians.

These men became our national symbol, embodying the best values ​​of our people: unity in the face of danger and acceptance of sacrifice in the name of the nation. November 28 is the day of memory, respect for the past and inspiration for the future.

Today is the day to humbly and gratefully remember the extraordinary sacrifice written with the blood of Albanian patriots, hundreds and thousands of Albanians from Vlora and Pristina, from Ulqin and Tetova, from Shkodra and Çameria , who lit the flame and chased away the darkness. of captivity and declared independence.

Dear friends!

A small country, an actor of peace in international relations, Albania is already faced with the challenges of building strategic policies inside and outside the country. These objectives mainly concern improving the quality of life of our citizens and finalizing integration into the European family.

With its excellent level of cooperation with our main ally the United States, with the EU and its member countries, as well as with other important regional and international partners, Albania has the responsibility to consolidate democratic stability, economic prosperity, security and peace. . The latest developments on the international scene have proven that peace is never certain and prosperity is never enough.

Ladies and gentlemen!

This day brings Albania closer to the European Union. In this context, I appreciate the achievements of justice reform, which produces results and creates hope and confidence among the public, but also among our partners. I also encourage judicial structures to continue working with professionalism and dedication. I believe that the European Union community will take concrete steps to accelerate the accession of the Western Balkan countries. It is vital for us and strategic for the European Union.

The Western Balkans remain a sensitive heartland of Europe, which can be used by third-party actors to create insecurity. Albania will continue to play its constructive role in peace, stability and regional cooperation, as a NATO member country, as an active country in regional initiatives, and in particular in that of the Berlin process.

With its increased credibility as a partner and constructive role, Albania became a non-permanent member of and chaired the Security Council for the first time, and was recently elected as a member of the Human Rights Council. man and member of the executive council. of UNESCO.

A strong and democratic Albania is in the interest of the entire Albanian factor in the region. After many efforts and with the valuable help of international partners, we are fortunate to have two Albanian states in the region. Cooperation with Kosovo, on an equal footing, as two states of one nation, must be as close, symmetrical and complementary as possible. We have a lot to learn from each other. We still have much to do to live up to the expectations of our citizens.

Dear friends and guests!

Developments over the past twenty years have highlighted the Albanian factor in a new light in regional and international relations. We must all transform this new perspective into sustainable development opportunities for the country.

Our diplomatic engagement must go hand in hand with improving the economic, political and social life of the country. Albania is already competitive in European and global markets thanks to its human resources. This requires us to become more effective in preserving them, focusing on an economic model that promotes initiative within a free market, that ensures fair competitiveness and that Albanians work in their country.

The economy has experienced good development and I would like to highlight the development of tourism. Particular attention should be paid to traditionally important sectors such as agriculture, health and especially education. It is also the time to ensure the diaspora vote and its political representation with electoral reform.

These are challenges that we cannot underestimate, whatever our achievements. Albania is not being built with indifference or passivity, but with work, will, dedication, activism, faith in success and, of course, love for this land. The future cannot be expected. He is built.

At this point, I call on the representatives of Albanians in the Assembly to sit down and work humbly for an Albania governed by law, which prioritizes the good of everyone, where everyone works and lives with honor and dignity. In your parliamentary life, be guided by national interest rather than ideological differences, by compromise rather than confrontation, by respect rather than arrogance and, above all, by responsibility towards the future and love of country.

Our ancestors managed to reach the height required by the times and declare Albania an independent state. In the name of national interest, they achieved a historic union.

Today, we have an equally difficult mission: working to build a just society. This is our historical responsibility, which we cannot leave to others either at the door or at the door.

Many did not give up in the face of difficulties and managed to build a good life here in Albania. These are success stories that give us hope and courage that this country can and will only be built with desire, will and faith that success is achieved with work and only with work.

Remembering is not an end in itself. History itself is infinite, as are the efforts to protect freedom, national identity and democratic values. Today, it is our turn to carry the baton of this effort. Let us guard it with honor, humility and awareness of the courage and determination of the patriots who lit the inextinguishable flame of independence!

Let me conclude this speech by expressing pride that our Albania, with the richness of its nature and the kindness of its people, was here centuries ago, will be here for centuries to come and will be here forever.

God bless our flag, God bless Albania and the Albanians!

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