applications open for the 2024 edition of the ONÉ Awards

From today, the Commission is opening applications for the New European Bauhaus (NEB) Awards 2024. After more than 4,500 applications received in total during previous editions, this year the NEB Awards 2024 will reward 20 exemplary innovative projects and concepts which represent sustainability, aesthetics and inclusiveness. For the first time this year, we will welcome project and concept applications in Ukraine in addition to EU member states and the Western Balkans. THE “Special recognition to Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery effort” the awards will recognize projects and concepts contributing to the recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine in accordance with the values ​​of the new European Bauhaus. Another new feature this year is the emphasis on projects and concepts of EU regions faced with socio-economic issues or challenges in the dual digital and green transition.

Rewarding sustainability, aesthetics and inclusion

The 2024 Awards will reward existing projects as well as concepts developed by young talents into four categories:

  • Reconnecting with nature;
  • Find a sense of belonging;
  • Prioritize the places and people who need it most;
  • Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life cycle thinking.

In each of the four categories, two parallel competition components are established:

  • Part A: “New European champions of Bauhaus” will be devoted to existing and completed projects with clear and positive results.
  • Part B: “The new rising stars of European Bauhaus” will be dedicated to concepts submitted by young talents aged 30 or younger. Concepts can be at different stages of development, from ideas with a clear plan to prototype level.

The 2024 Prizes will be awarded to 20 winners who will receive prizes of up to €30,000and a communications package to help them further develop and promote their projects and concepts. They will be announced during the New European Bauhaus Festival, which will take place in Brussels from April 17 to 21, during an awards ceremony organized by the Commission. The festival will bring together people from diverse backgrounds, in a variety of workshops, activities and satellite events to discuss and shape our future. THE call for satellite events is still open until December 31, 2023.

How to register

Applications are open until November 10, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. CET. Applicants of all nationalities and backgrounds are eligible if their concepts and projects are implemented in the EU, the Western Balkans or Ukraine. Applications must be submitted through the official service New European Bauhaus Prize platform.

All details regarding the application process are included in the applicant guide, available in all EU, Western Balkan languages ​​and Ukrainian.


The New European Bauhaus is a creative and interdisciplinary initiative that connects European Green Deal to our living spaces and our experiences. The initiative invites everyone to reshape our future and make it more sustainable, more beautiful and more inclusive, promoting positive and inclusive experiences for all.

Launched by President von der Leyen in her 2020 State of the Union Addressthe new European Bauhaus was designed jointly with thousands of people and organizations across Europe and beyond.

For more information


Transforming and improving the lives of citizens, as well as empowering local communities, are key principles of the new European Bauhaus Awards and Cohesion Policy. This year, we welcome Ukrainian applications with a special award in recognition of the remarkable resilience of Ukrainians and in solidarity with the crucial work ahead for sustainable and inclusive recovery and reconstruction of the country. We also pay particular attention to projects from regions facing socio-economic challenges and are making significant efforts to rethink their economies in accordance with the NEB’s values. We are excited to receive your NEB projects and ideas for 2024!

Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms – 02/10/2023

The new European Bauhaus Awards are a meaningful way to promote and reward innovative, cultural and groundbreaking projects that bring the European Green Deal closer to our citizens. I’m happy that once again, young talents have their own space. During this year’s edition, the reconstruction of Ukraine will receive special attention. I look forward to discovering new creative projects and expanding the NEB community.

Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth – 02/10/2023

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