At the UN Assembly, Bosnia-Herzegovina denounces “foreign influence” on its institutions


Mr Komsic criticized 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, saying it placed too much emphasis on migrants as the main beneficiaries of the SDGs and failed to adequately address the broader impacts of immigration. He accused large countries of intentionally “taking over” small countries by targeting educated, highly skilled immigrants who will benefit their economies. Meanwhile, the rapid pace of immigration from Bosnia and Herzegovina to larger countries has weakened the country’s institutions, he argued.

“The current form of migration management has reached such a stage that large and powerful countries carry out, for their own benefit, a certain type of selection of migrants, so as to select from among them the best and most educated, such as doctors, engineers, scientists and other highly qualified people, and lead them to larger countries where their knowledge and capabilities are harnessed, exclusively for the benefit of these larger systems,” said Mr. Komsic.

“At the same time, the potentials and capacities of the small countries where migrants come from are weakened. Small countries, in addition to losing the most qualified personnel, also lose all the investments made in the creation of these highly qualified profiles.

He called the actions of large countries a “direct attack” on the ability of small countries to establish their own sustainable development agendas, creating an environment “in which poverty thrives and completely prevents any form of development in the economic and social “.

Ethnic divisions

Mr Komsic also drew attention to what he called Bosnia and Herzegovina’s “ethnocracy”, saying the government’s prioritization of ethnic representation in government was reminiscent of totalitarianism.

“Bosnia and Herzegovina does not imply full democracy, but rather a form of ethnocracy. Such a system, which guarantees participation in government to certain political actors and their ethnic political parties, has the form of ancient and current totalitarian systems,” he said.

“This means that we in Bosnia and Herzegovina will have to change the whole paradigm within society and move from ethnic political representation to civic political representation, which is the norm in a democratic world,” he said. explain.

Aggressive neighbors

Mr. Komsic also accused his “neighbors to the West and East” of stoking ethnic tensions in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim of dividing the nation and reducing its ability to function as a cohesive political unit .

“Through the ethnic communities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, to whom they claim national rights, they rule Bosnia and Herzegovina, not with the primary aim of helping the members of these ethnic communities, but with the aim of dividing the Bosnia-Herzegovina or empty it of its meaning. as a state,” he said.

Mr. Komsic asserted that attacks on institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina have serious consequences for the sustainable development of Bosnia and Herzegovina and threaten broader regional stability.

“That is why we believe that it is in the interest of the United Nations, if peace in the Western Balkans is to be preserved, to support the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

Full declaration available here.


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