Austria and the Czech Republic for European stability and security –

At a time of global unrest, both ministers expressed strong support for Israel’s right to self-defense following a major Hamas offensive. They also expressed support for the enlargement of the European Union to Ukraine, Moldova and the Western Balkans, highlighting the EU’s role in tackling a “ring of fire” of conflicts that surrounded by a “circle of stability”.

The two diplomats held a press conference during Lipavský’s first bilateral visit to Vienna, where they agreed on the importance of involving Ukraine in future peace negotiations. This consensus follows the ongoing war in Ukraine, which they both view as a conflict that will not be resolved on the battlefield but rather through diplomatic discussions. However, both acknowledged that such negotiations are not yet on the horizon.

Lipavský’s visit to the Diplomatic Academy earlier today highlighted the Czech Republic’s security strategy, noting that membership in the EU and NATO constitutes a key security guarantee for the Ukraine. He warned against a peace resolution without Kyiv’s participation, drawing parallels with the betrayal his nation felt after the 1938 Munich Accords.

Regarding the UN resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, which both countries voted against, Lipavský clarified that there would be no change in the Republic’s position Czech and certainly no withdrawal from the UN, despite the suggestions of the Czech Defense Minister. Jana Cernochová.

The two ministers also discussed historic bilateral issues, with Schallenberg noting a significant shift from navigating sensitive topics toward visiting as friends with a common geopolitical approach. This friendship is further strengthened by economic ties, with Austrian investments in the Czech Republic amounting to 17 billion euros and Czechs being the fourth largest tourist group in Austria.

Furthermore, the ministers discussed regional cooperation platforms such as the Slavkov format and the Central Five, highlighting the importance of these dialogues in Central Europe, particularly in the face of challenges such as illegal immigration, rising prices energy and geopolitical tensions.

This unified position between Austria and the Czech Republic, as expressed by Schallenberg, signifies a commitment to a rules-based international system, freedom and humanity, firmly opposing politics neo-imperialist and terrorism. This demonstrates their shared determination to foster long-term stability and security in Europe’s backyard – the Western Balkans – and beyond.

Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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