Balkan border blockades leave thousands stranded


New border control rules implemented almost simultaneously by the governments of Macedonia, Serbia and Croatia over the past 48 hours have led to further large-scale human rights violations, including collective expulsions and discrimination. against people perceived to be economic migrants or refugees on the basis of their nationality, Amnesty International said today.
The organization has observed how new measures put in place along this route since November 18 have prevented many people from accessing asylum procedures and left thousands stranded in dire conditions at the border post between Greece and Macedonia.

“This extremely worrying chain of events has once again left thousands of people stranded in uncertainty, simply because of where they came from. Just as governments in the Balkans and Europe have committed to working more closely together to improve security and access to asylum on the Balkan route, the opposite is happening,” said John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International director for Europe and Central Asia.

These governments appear to have acted without thinking about the consequences for thousands of people who now find themselves stranded in completely inadequate conditions, with nowhere to go and very limited humanitarian aid. With thousands more on the way, urgent action is needed to reverse this worsening catastrophe.

John Dalhuisen, Europe and Central Asia Director at Amnesty International

“These governments appear to have acted without thinking about the consequences for thousands of people who now find themselves stranded in completely inadequate conditions, with nowhere to go and very limited humanitarian assistance. This will only push away those who are stuck in the hands of smugglers. With thousands more on the way, urgent action is needed to reverse this worsening catastrophe. »

Repressions and segregation

On the night of November 18, Macedonia, Serbia and Croatia suddenly changed their border management practices, without notice and more or less simultaneously.
Macedonia was the first to act by refusing to admit anyone who does not have papers proving they are from Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria. This means that hundreds of people have found themselves stranded, either because they are coming from other countries, including Iran, Sri Lanka, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Pakistan, or because they do not have identity papers. Greek border police in the village of Idomeni continue to prevent nationals from countries other than Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria from leaving, on the grounds that Macedonia would not let them enter.

Yesterday, at 11 a.m., Macedonian authorities suddenly closed the border to all nationalities and kept it closed throughout the night. The border reopened this morning, but only for Syrian, Afghan and Iraqi nationals who cross it at a rate of only fifty per hour. There is a strong Macedonian police presence at the border.

According to staff from the humanitarian NGO Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) present on site, around 6,000 people slept on the streets in Idomeni last night, compared to 1,500 the night before. The arrival of thousands more this evening is expected to bring the crowd to around 8,000 people staying in Idomeni this evening, according to MSF. There is only shelter there for 900 people. The reception center in Gevgelija, on the Macedonian side of the border, is empty and unused. Local solidarity groups and an NGO provide food in Idomeni while UNHCR and Save the Children manage meal distribution. A dozen UNHCR staff are currently present and plan to increase their resources.

Even though the Greek authorities sent police reinforcements, Amnesty International noted that they were still unable to meet humanitarian needs.

Tensions between nationalities are also evident. On November 19, a group of around 200 Iranian nationals demonstrated along the railway tracks, blocking the exit of a train carrying Syrian nationals to Macedonia.

Simultaneous border blockages

On the night of November 18, Serbian border authorities also began screening incoming people by nationality, allowing only people of Afghan, Iraqi or Syrian origin to pass. Around 200 people were collectively deported to Macedonia, where they spent the night at Tabanovce train station in prefabricated modules provided by UNHCR.

The following night, Macedonia closed its border with Serbia, leaving around 100 people stuck in the no-man’s land between the two countries’ border checkpoints. UNHCR was not allowed access, although the Red Cross was able to provide blankets. These people have now been returned to Macedonia and found refuge at Tabanovce station.

Also on November 18, around 440 people were prevented from entering Croatia on the border with Serbia, with border police from both countries working together to prevent people from boarding trains in Sid. A group – made up mainly of single men, but also including three women and two children, from countries including Morocco, Bangladesh and Pakistan – was apprehended in Croatia and taken back to Serbia by bus.

Tighter controls at EU borders

The strengthening of border controls along the Balkan route comes ahead of today’s extraordinary meeting of EU justice and interior ministers in Brussels – the first following the Paris attacks on November 13. The agenda included a discussion of strengthening security checks along the EU’s external borders as well as inside the theoretically borderless Schengen zone, but the focus did not appear to be on protection of human rights.

Managed, safe and legal routes to Europe, with access to effective asylum procedures for all who wish to apply, would go a long way to identifying security threats, while respecting international obligations to provide protection to people who need it.

John Dalhuisen

“It is crucial that countries in the region, in tandem with the EU and all its member states, effectively coordinate border control without discrimination, leading to collective expulsions and illegal returns of refugees and asylum seekers . Managed, safe and legal routes to Europe, with access to effective asylum procedures for all who wish to apply, would go a long way to identifying security threats, while respecting international obligations to provide protection to people who need it,” said John Dalhuisen.


In July 2015, Amnesty International published a report: Europe’s borders: violations against migrants and refugees in Macedonia, Serbia and Hungarydocumenting how refugees and migrants were routinely subjected to illegal pushbacks and mistreatment by border police, and were at risk of exploitation by smugglers.

The situation only got worse as the flow of people increased throughout the summer and fall months, and reached a crisis point on September 15when Hungary completely sealed off its border, putting additional pressure on an already punctual and poorly coordinated migration route across the Balkans.


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