BSC Discussion: The new generation of politicians – a symbol of change in the country

PODGORICA – On Wednesday, April 12, the first in a series of meetings of BSC leaders was held in Podgorica, entitled “Montenegro after the presidential elections: fast forward to the EU? », organized by the Belgrade Center for Security Policy and the Alternative Institute.

Igor Bandović, who opened the BSC Leaders Meetings event, expressed in his opening speech his great pleasure in organizing the first event of this kind in Podgorica.

“The Belgrade Security Conference aims to be a window to the world for the entire Western Balkans region and to promote positive changes in the Balkans. Drawing on the experience of our partners in Munich, we decided to organize meetings of leaders in all Western Balkan countries and thus initiate the creation of a new political culture, a new style of debate and new content to promote,” Bandović said.

The main themes of the round table organized in the aftermath of the presidential elections were possible scenarios for Montenegro’s accession to the European Union, the main obstacles and opportunities, as well as the political capacity of the EU to welcome new members and the Montenegro’s capacity to reform.

On this occasion, the newly elected President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatović, said that the new generation of politicians is a symbol of changes in the country and that Montenegro’s main priorities should be the fight against state capture and economic stability.

“Regional economic integration is the basis of European integration. The success of one Western Balkan country is the success of all six,” Milatović emphasized.

At the first meeting of BSC leaders, the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazović, said that for Montenegro there was no other choice than integration into the EU.

“By joining the EU, Montenegro will respond to its national interests, which is why it will remain committed to the European integration process.” Regarding the war in Ukraine, Abazović said: “Given the size, population and capabilities of Montenegro, support for Ukraine is more than significant and Ukrainian citizens feel safe in Montenegro,” said Abazovic.

Rosa Balfour, director of Carnegie Europe, stressed that the enlargement process has become more complex.

“Nothing is promised from Brussels, but the Balkans are not forgotten. The importance of the rule of law, civil society and political leaders sending strong messages at home are seen as crucial to the European integration process,” Balfour said.

On behalf of the Alternative Institute, Milena Muk said that previous Montenegrin governments had failed to live up to high expectations and had not made enough progress in reforms.

“Currently, Montenegro does not have a single institution at full capacity, but in the so-called condition of action,” Muk estimated.

Responding to Srđan Cvijić’s question about the main priorities of the future government, Milena Muk highlighted reforms and compliance with the temporary criteria of Chapter 23.

“I think it is positive that the European Union has become clearer and more direct in its determination of key reforms in the country, and that it should persist in this approach. We see that islands of integrity are being created, first of all within the special prosecutor’s office, and it is up to us to demand the multiplication of these islands,” Muk concluded.

The BSC Leaders’ Meeting events, with a distinguished panel of international and national speakers, are expected to continue in the coming months in other Western Balkan capitals.

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