Bulgaria: “Apocalyptic”: People react to skies turning red in Bulgaria

NEW DELHI: The Northern Lights, also known as the northern Lightsappeared in the sky over a large area of Bulgaria for the first time on Sunday evening.
Images and videos of this spectacle quickly spread on social networks.
The red aurora, which changed its appearance, initially appeared in northeastern Bulgaria and later spread to almost all regions of the Balkan country, according to Weather Balkans.
Many people on social media described the images of blood-red skies in Bulgaria as “apocalyptic” and “scary”. Meanwhile, others have shared their excitement over the phenomenon.
Reports indicate that the Northern Lights have also been seen in several other countries, including Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia and the United Kingdom.
Earlier this year, the Northern Lights were observed for the first time in India, specifically in Ladakh.
Although the Northern Lights are more commonly seen near Earthnorth and south magnetic poles, where they are known as the Northern Lights and the Northern Lights, respectivelythey can occasionally appear in more temperate zones.
This phenomenon is the result of interactions between particles of the solar wind and the sun, some of which travel millions of kilometers before reaching Earth. Upon arrival, the Earth’s magnetic field guides these particles towards the polar regions.
The unique colors of auroras are determined by the specific gas molecules these particles encounter in the atmosphere and the locations of these interactions.
Interactions with oxygen create the characteristic green light, while encounters with nitrogen produce the striking red glow that illuminates the sky.

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