Coal Region Exchange Program

Priority will be given to pairs consisting of a coal region from the Western Balkans and Ukraine and an EU region. However, the program is flexible and needs-based, so alternative configurations are also possible, e.g.

  • a pair consisting of 2 regions of the Western Balkans and Ukraine
  • EU regions pioneering smart specialization or renewable energy will join and share their innovations
  • various entities (such as public authority, energy company, trade union, NGO, research institute) to apply

The duration of the exchange will depend on the needs and capacities of the participating regions and the available resources.

Exchange duration (indicative)

Number of meetings

Number of topics covered

Long term exchange

1 year

Two meetings of 2 to 3 days each (organized by each region of the pair)

Up to 4

Medium-term exchange

3-6 months

A meeting, 2-3 days (organized by one of the regions of the pair)


Short term exchange

3-4 months

One meeting, 1 day (organized following a related event)


Based on the interest and needs of participating regions, topics will be selected to be explored in depth. For example, they could include

  • closure and repurposing of coal-related sites and infrastructure
  • design an effective governance model to support a transition process in a region
  • development of an engagement strategy and implementation of a series of transition dialogues
  • conceptualize the economic diversification of a coal region as a means of creating long-term jobs

The exchange in each pair will be guided by a facilitator from the initiative secretariat. In collaboration with the regions, the facilitator will help define the direction of the exchange, objectives, main challenges, areas where expert input is needed, as well as collaboratively develop agendas meetings. Several experts will contribute to each exchange by sharing their knowledge on the themes selected by the regions.

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