EU-Western Balkans partnership more important than ever –

Finland has long had a keen interest in the Western Balkans and supports its partners in their European approach. But we also expect them to fully align with EU foreign and security policy and respect human rights and the rule of law, writes Pekka Haavisto.

Pekka Haavisto is the Finnish Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Enlargement policy has returned to the forefront of the EU’s geopolitical toolbox. Since last year we have welcomed three new candidate countries, the accession negotiation process has been launched with Albania and North Macedonia and, in recent weeks, Serbia and Kosovo have taken positive steps towards the normalization of their relations.

The EU demonstrates its continued commitment to the Western Balkans by helping to build resilient and sustainable societies in the region that uphold fundamental European values. These values ​​– human rights, democracy and the rule of law – must also be reflected in foreign policy and reactions to Russia’s illegal war against Ukraine.

Last year and in recent months, we have witnessed many important decisions.

Firstly, our partners Ukraine, Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina were granted the status of EU candidate countries in 2022. We hope that Georgia can take the agreed steps and follow them soon.

Secondly, the accession negotiation process has started with Albania and North Macedonia – a big relief and long overdue.

The Kosovars, for their part, took a historic step in December by submitting their application for membership in the European Union. The EU also reached an agreement to grant visa exemption to Kosovo, which comes into force no later than January 2024.

At Lake Ohrid, Serbia and Kosovo reached an agreement on March 18 on the implementation of their February 27 agreement on the path to normalization of relations, thanks to the facilitation of the European Union. This is a major step and its implementation will be followed within the framework of the European approaches of both parties.

Montenegro, a pioneer country in the enlargement process, also organized presidential elections, after some unrest in recent months.

Finland welcomes these measures. We are now thinking about efforts to support Ukraine in every possible way. We have also not forgotten our partners in the Western Balkans – in the heart of Europe.

Finland has long been interested in the region and its well-being. Many of Finland’s best-known political leaders have played important roles in the Balkans: Elisabeth Rehn, Harri Holkeri and Olli Rehn, and of course President Martti Ahtisaari.

I too was able to work in the Balkans from 1999 to 2005 for UNEP, investigating the environmental impacts of conflicts.

These ties have helped Finland commit to peace and stability in the Western Balkans. Our support for the Western Balkans in their European approach remains strong. We have helped them meet the EU criteria in several ways, for example through twinning projects.

Once candidate countries have done their part to meet the criteria, the EU should have no excuse to delay the process. Bilateral issues should not be included in the EU enlargement process or negotiations.

It is clear that cooperation and unity between the EU and the Western Balkans is beneficial and appreciated.

A significant demonstration of the EU’s commitment is the Western Balkans Economic and Investment Plan, which aims to mobilize almost €30 billion for the region’s development.

Recently, the EU also proposed a billion-euro energy support package for the region, with the aim of reducing dependence on Russian energy sources, accelerating decarbonization and improve energy security. The EU is investing billions in areas such as green and digital economies. This is the future – the EU brings the future.

Through these efforts, the EU helps its partners build sustainable and resilient societies in the face of different types of hybrid threats.

As part of the Berlin Process, new agreements were reached last year for a common regional market facilitating travel within the Western Balkans and employment across borders. The region is already a roaming-free zone and, from October 2023, data roaming prices between the Western Balkans and the EU will be significantly reduced.

Today, it is more important than ever to defend our core values. The rule of law is the cornerstone of a stable and well-functioning democratic society.

I find it worrying that, as noted in the European Commission’s latest enlargement package, we have seen little progress in key areas of the rule of law and fundamental principles in several enlargement countries.

The European Union defends human rights, democracy and the rule of law. These values ​​apply to both candidate countries and Member States.

These values ​​are also reflected in our foreign policy. Several Western Balkan partners – Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Kosovo – have fully aligned themselves with EU sanctions against Russia, increasing the price of Russia’s brutal aggression in Ukraine .

We expect Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (specifically Republika Srpska) to fully align their foreign and security policies with those of the EU. This is not only an obligation of the EU candidate country, but also a clear message in favor of Ukraine’s sovereignty and against an illegal and unacceptable war.

The EU has no hidden agenda. The benefits and responsibilities of EU membership are clear. Indeed, the EU and the Western Balkans are already closely linked. Citizens of the six Western Balkan countries enjoy in many respects the same benefits as EU members.

For example, of the 25 key EU programs benefiting citizens, such as Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe, 20 are already open to our Western Balkan partners.

In many Western Balkan countries, popular support for EU membership remains strong. This support should not be taken for granted, however. To reach citizens of Western Balkan countries, we need governments and civil society in the region.

All our partners, as well as the Union, must work against malicious influences and speeches which distort the image of a unified Europe. To stay strong, we must present a united front, building a better future together for all our citizens..

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