European countries tighten their borders | The commercial standard

Schengen rules allow such action “as a last resort” in cases considered serious threats to internal security or public order.


November 25, 2023, 2:05 p.m.

Last modification: November 25, 2023, 2:16 p.m.

Officers from the Bundespolizei of the German federal police stop a vehicle during a patrol along the German-Polish border to prevent illegal immigration near Forst, Germany October 12, 2023. REUTERS


Officers from the Bundespolizei of the German federal police stop a vehicle during a patrol along the German-Polish border to prevent illegal immigration near Forst, Germany October 12, 2023. REUTERS

The European Union is facing a surge in legal and illegal migrant arrivals, prompting some member states to temporarily reintroduce border controls in what is normally a free movement zone.

The bloc’s Schengen rules allow such action “as a last resort” in cases considered serious threats to internal security or public order.

These countries have reestablished stricter controls:

* Austria introduced controls on its border with the Czech Republic in October, which are expected to last until December 6.

From November, it extended border controls with Slovenia and Hungary until May 2024, citing pressure on the reception system for asylum seekers, threats of arms trafficking, criminal networks linked to the war in Ukraine and migrant smuggling.

* Denmark In August, border controls were tightened for arrivals, including those from Schengen countries, at Copenhagen airport to increase security after incidents of Quran burnings.

According to a European Commission report, checks have been extended at the German-Danish land border and at ports with ferry connections to Germany until May 2024.

The government said it was responding to an increase in irregular migration and cited threats posed by terrorism and organized crime, spying by foreign intelligence services and the war in Ukraine.

* Germany announced controls at its land borders with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland in September, which are expected to remain in place until December 4. Berlin said it had to respond to a surge in immigration and high levels of smuggling.

Germany, which has Europe’s largest economy, has seen a sharp increase in first-time asylum applications this year.

Berlin also extended land border controls with Austria until May 2024, saying it was in response to what it calls pressure on its asylum system, security threats linked to terrorism in the Middle East and the war in Ukraine.

* Italy reinstated police checks on its northeastern land border with Slovenia from October 21, saying some migrants in transit on the Balkan route could be terrorists.

The controls will be in place until at least December 9. Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi said in October they would likely be extended until next year.

* Norwaywhich belongs to the Schengen agreement but is not a member of the EU, on November 12 reinstated border controls at its ports with ferry connections to the Schengen area. He highlighted the threats to its land and offshore infrastructure, and from foreign intelligence services.

These checks are expected to last until May 5, 2024.

* Poland extended temporary controls at its border with Slovakia until Dec. 3, highlighting efforts by migrants to enter illegally from there.

The government was rocked by a “visa for cash” scandal earlier this year, when the opposition accused it of being complicit in a system in which people were given visas at an accelerated rate without proper checks after having paid intermediaries.

* Sweden In August, the country tightened controls at its borders, giving more power to border police, including body searches and increased use of electronic surveillance.

The same month, the Swedish government raised the terrorism threat level in Sweden, saying it had foiled attacks after the Koran burning sparked threats from Islamist militants.

Since November, border controls have been extended until May 2024.

* France Since November, it has reintroduced controls at its borders with members of the Schengen area, citing what it calls terrorist threats. The checks are expected to last until April 30, 2024.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced in October a strengthening of security at the Belgian border after the death of two people by an attacker in Brussels.

* SlovakiaThe Hungarian government approved on November 20 the maintenance of temporary controls on its border with Hungary until December 23. The government is seeking to limit the number of illegal arrivals, after saying in November it had arrested around 500% more illegally arriving migrants this year. compared to 2022.

* Slovenia on November 17, border controls with members of the Schengen area were extended until December 9. The government cited armed conflicts in Ukraine, the Middle East and Africa, as well as increased threats from organized crime and terrorism.

It also plans to reintroduce controls at these borders for six months, starting December 22.

In October, Slovenia deployed police officers to border crossings with Croatia and Hungary.

With third countries

* Finland on November 24, the country temporarily closed all but one of its eight passenger crossings to Russia after more than 700 migrants arrived at different border crossings in the space of two weeks.

Helsinki claims Moscow is responsible for transporting an unusually high number of migrants to its border, which the Kremlin denies.

No reopening date has yet been announced.

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