Experts expect increased migration to EU following visa liberalization in Kosovo, advise government to act now

The European Parliament has given the green light to visa liberalization for Kosovoallowing Kosovar citizens to travel without a visa to the Schengen area for 90 days from January 1, 2024.

This decision is expected to lead to considerable changes in migration trends from Kosovo to the EU, but also to spark new socio-economic dynamics, reports.

As travel barriers lower for Kosovars, new opportunities for ‘young Europeans’ keen to explore the EU and what member states have to offer are expected to emerge.

Furthermore, the 27-country bloc, which could benefit from a new perspective and new workers, may see changes as labor shortages have become a fairly common phenomenon across the Union. .

Visa liberalization to ensure increased mobility and travel opportunities for Kosovars

From January 1, 2024, holders of a Kosovar passport will be able to travel to member countries of the Schengen area, outside Spain. The visa waiver agreement allows Kosovars to stay in the zone for 90 days every 180 days, but those planning to work, study or stay in a Schengen country must apply for a long-term D visa.

Before the agreement, Kosovar citizens had to apply for a visa to travel to the area, and the application process could be long, inconvenient and often expensive, as costs can reach 150 euros while the minimum wage in Kosovo is ‘around 260 euros.

Based on the experiences of other countries in the Western Balkans region, the post-visa liberalization period is characterized by increased interest in EU visits and migration to the area, which in some cases is even become a problem for some Member States.

According to a European Migration Network reportwhich focuses on the impact of visa liberalization in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, the number of asylum applications in coming from visa-free countries increased following the abolition of visas for nationals. of these countries.

Furthermore, the same report reveals that the number of nationals from visa-free countries overstaying in the Schengen area is also increasing, posing a challenge for member states.

While several EU countries reported an increase in criminal activities after the visa liberalization agreement with these eight third countries, most member states did not report any problems with illegal employment after the introduction of the visa liberalization.

Arian Zeka, executive director of the American Chamber in Kosovo, warns young Kosovars that any attempt to take advantage of the visa waiver for emigration purposes may backfire on their rights to travel to Schengen in the future. Additionally, this Balkan country is classified as a safe third country, indicating that asylum seekers are unlikely to receive a positive response if they apply for asylum in Europe.

The shrinking workforce will increase operating difficulties for Kosovar businesses and the need for alternative workforce options will increase. However, I would like to express my optimism that this will not happen and that visa liberalization will be an opportunity for citizens to move within the Schengen area in accordance with the criteria that define this right. Zeka explained.

According to Zeka, visa liberalization will bring many benefits to Kosovars, such as maintaining close family relationships, as the Kosovar diaspora in the EU reaches millions.

An increase in temporary labor migration is expected

The impact of visa liberalization is expected to be felt specifically on the number of workers who will migrate to EU countries for temporary work, seasonal positions being more attractive.

Visa liberalization can simplify the procedure for third-country nationals to make short trips to explore employment opportunities in a Member State, although it does not make them eligible to apply for a residence permit based on grounds of employment. In order to be legally employed in any of the member states, it is essential to obtain a national work visa before traveling to that specific country.

According to Eurostat data, The number of residence permits for paid activities issued by nationals without a visa has increased significantly in recent years, accounting for 71 percent of all residence permits granted under such applications in 2017.

Ukraine ranks first for most residence permits issued for work reasons – the majority coming from Poland and the Czech Republic; however, the high number of residence permits issued for paid activities may be related to the fact that Ukraine was experiencing an unstable economic situation during this specific period.

Due to the steady increase in the number of visa-free Western Balkan nationals in Germany, the government has implemented a legal labor migration program called “Western Balkans settlement», which is open to nationals of this region who have not benefited from asylum seeker benefits in Germany within 24 months of their permit application.

This means that nationals of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia could more easily obtain a residence permit to work, valid until the end of 2020.

On the other hand, Kosovo may experience a decrease in the number of workers and, in general, migration may intensify in the post-visa liberalization period.

Burim Piraj, general director of MEKA Shpk, one of Kosovo’s leading meat production companies, says the start of 2024 may be difficult for many local companies, especially those that have not prioritized good -be workers.

“In the second half of the year, positive changes are expected, as workers who were heading to Europe will return never to leave the country again” he believes.

Piraj also calls on employers in Kosovo to take measures to retain young people in the country by offering them better working conditions. He suggests, among other things, that the government raise the country’s minimum wage to 400 euros and introduce an eight-hour working week with weekends off.

“Workers should be paid on time and employers should start paying health insurance for their workers in accordance with the law. » he emphasizes, also adding that all these measures must be implemented before September 2023 in order to avoid the labor shortage that threatens all businesses in Kosovo next year.

A study by found that in August 2023, around 37.7 percent of respondents were considering moving to the EU – including 76.6 percent in the first year of visa-free travel, the reason main one being linked to employment. , accounting for 76.5 percent of all responses.

Germany, France and Switzerland are the top destinations among respondents, with 55.3 percent of total responses, while 78.7 percent of respondents say better living conditions are their main motivation .

Furthermore, 78.7 percent of all respondents say they are willing to leave their current job if another work opportunity is offered to them in the EU.

Visa liberalization expected to impact Kosovo’s economy and remittances

Mirdon Hoxha, a Kosovar national, has been offering his expertise as an IT consultant to Raiffeisen Bank in Vienna for two years, after being hired in his country of origin and starting his professional career there.

When asked what made him make the decision to leave Kosovo, he replied that better working conditions and pay were one of the reasons, but not the main motivation.

“As Kosovars, we face many obstacles, such as poor quality of life, poor health sector, lack of legal protection of workers’ and citizens’ rights, poor structure and poor public transport. efficient, and the impossibility of buying online abroad. markets. For me, the main obstacle to leaving the country was the lack of free movement to European countries. » Hoxha concludes.

He could become one of thousands of young Kosovars emigrating to Europe in search of better living and working conditions, and that number is expected to skyrocket in the coming years.

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EU suggests Kosovars migrate through legal channels, such as EU Blue Card

According to a spokesperson for the European Commission, Kosovar citizens who will be eligible for a European Blue Cardas claimed by the directive, the transposition of which is planned for November 2023, will be able to benefit from flexible admission conditions as well as reinforced rights.

“Once implemented, the Youth Guarantee would also increase support for young people in the region by providing quality vocational education and training opportunities. This should also increase the appeal of young people, who are among the most likely to leave, to seek and find opportunities in their home economy. » said the spokesperson for

She also highlighted that one of the ways skilled workers migrate for employment reasons is by sending remittances back to their home countries, which has a positive impact on their economy.

Returning to their country of origin brings new foreign knowledge, skills and expertise, which can contribute to the development of local industries, innovation and advancement of the labor market.

Concerns about brain drain

The Kosovar population is seriously threatened by the brain drain – the phenomenon of skilled workers leaving the country for better working conditions in more developed countries.

Seb Bytyçi, a researcher at the University of Winchester, emphasizes that the Kosovar government should improve public services with the aim of increasing the quality of life in the country and that public sector workers be paid according to their job as well as others benefits such as health insurance.

“Healthcare is the most affected area, but so are other areas where skills are required in Western countries. This has a negative impact on Kosovo, as the departure of educated people from the health field further affects the weakening of health services and increased migration. The brain drain also affects the reduction of purchasing power, which weakens savings. » Bytyçi says for

The brain drain in the Western Balkan countries is a growing concern for the six governments, which see their qualified workers heading to Europe, in particular nursing staff and medical personnel.

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