
Fair of ideas, projects and green innovations

Belgrade, June 5, 2023 – As part of the European Green Week 2023, the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) together with partners, marked the Day World Environment Fair 2023. On this occasion, the “Green Ideas, Projects and Innovations Fair” was held at the “Cvijeta Zuzorić” Art Pavilion in Kalemegdan. The Fair presented the best projects and investments supported and implemented so far for the green transformation of the Serbian economy and society. The event also brought together representatives from the business and banking sectors, relevant national institutions, civil society and the academic community, embassies and international institutions.

“The aim of the EU Green Agenda for the Western Balkans is to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and shift to renewable energy sources, preserve and better use natural resources, reduce environmental pollution, to preserve nature and biodiversity, to ensure rural development and sustainable food supply systems. I believe that by working together we can bring benefits to society. There is no planet B and there is certainly no time to stand still, especially in these turbulent times. Hard work lies ahead: regulation, its implementation, investments and dialogue, which are the key actions of the future. “Greening the economy also means making the mentality greener, and I invite citizens to get involved and learn about the different events during the European Green Week, but also afterwards, because the world needs us to be all actively engaged,” said the Ambassador and CEO. of the EU Delegation to Serbia, SE Emmanuel Giaufret.

Minister of Environmental Protection Irena Vujović took this opportunity to invite local administration units that have developed their air quality plans or have made significant progress in air quality planning air quality, to apply for the public call which will co-finance the air protection measures in up to 50% of the total value of the project, in order to improve the air quality in their air quality units. local autonomy.

Opening of the Fair of Ideas, Projects and Green Innovations

“By organizing this fair, we wanted to bring together all the innovators who, with the support of UNDP and our partners, are actively contributing to Serbia’s green transformation, in order to inspire others to follow the same path. Since they have been put into practice, these green solutions have already had a positive impact on the environment and public health. At the same time, these companies and their products become more competitive in export markets and thus contribute to sustainable economic growth and the creation of new green jobs,” said Yakup Beris, UNDP Resident Representative in Serbia.

More than 40 authors of green solutions participated in the Fair, from the public and private sectors, civil society, research institutes and local authorities. They answered questions asked by visitors about the development of their green innovations, from concepts to successful projects that contribute to reducing GHG emissions, switching to renewable energy sources, reusing waste to make new products, improve air quality and preserve biodiversity.

The fair also featured three roundtable discussions on topics critical to the implementation of the EU Green Agenda for the Western Balkans in Serbia.

The first panel, opened by HE Anika Ben David, Ambassador of Sweden to Serbia, highlighted the importance of harmonizing Serbia’s environmental legal and policy framework with the EU acquis, particularly in the context of the Serbia’s accession to the EU.

The second panel, opened by the Swiss Ambassador to Serbia, HE Urs Schmid, highlighted the relevance of encouraging the culture of innovation and applying modern technologies and sustainable practices to accelerate the green transition.

Considering the importance of access to finance for the success of the green transformation, the third panel, whose keynote speaker was Alessandro Bragonzi, Head of Regional Representation for the Western Balkans at the European Investment Bank ( EIB), which presented different options for investments as well as financial mechanisms and models that can contribute to the practical implementation of green solutions.

Bragonzi highlighted that EIB Global, a dedicated branch of the EIB, is helping Serbia move forward on the path to EU membership, notably regarding Chapter 15 on Energy and Chapter 27 on Protection of the environment and climate change: “We are one of the key global financial players in climate and sustainable projects. In 2022, the share of RIE investments in these sectors increased to 36.5 billion euros, or 58% of our annual loans. Our ambition, with our Climate Action Plan, is to mobilize up to 1,000 billion euros in green investments by the end of this decade.

He added that the involvement of the private sector is essential to increase green investments: “However, a survey carried out by the EIB, the EBRD and the World Bank shows that companies in the Western Balkans are still lagging behind in this area by compared to similar countries. Although 10% of companies report suffering losses due to extreme weather, only 21% of companies invest in energy efficiency, while 59% do not consider such investments a priority. The survey showed that they need to strengthen their strategic environmental priorities, improve management involvement and access to financing. The “EU for a Green Agenda in Serbia” project, which we support together with UNDP and other partners in Serbia, is certainly the right path to follow to support green investments and the energy transition of the region’s economies.” , said Bragonzi.

After the panels, commercial banks presented their green financing offer and, in cooperation with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, they organized B2B business meetings to forge new partnerships.

Reborn Jeans Exhibition

Alongside the official program, an exhibition was organized in front of the “Cvijeta Zuzorić́” art pavilion, in the form of a fashion installation featuring recycled denim dresses, by designer Ana Trošić Trajković, demonstrating how waste from The textile industry can be reused to produce new clothing, instead of ending up in landfills. Visitors could exercise in the open-air eco-gym, where exercise equipment is made from tree waste captured from the Sava River, and they could also take part in a quiz and win prizes. prize for their correct answers on environmental protection. In addition, by entering the climate capsule of the Center for the Promotion of Science, visitors were able to see scientific facts, artistic interventions and multimedia content and discover what is the future that awaits us if we do not react adequately address climate change.

On the occasion of World Environment Day, a photo exhibition was opened with photographs and descriptions of ecological ideas, projects and innovations along Sava Promenade in Kalemegdan, which will last until to June 11.

This exhibition and the “Fair of Green Ideas, Projects and Innovations” were organized within the framework of the project “EU for the Green Agenda in Serbia”, implemented by UNDP with the technical and financial support of the European Union and in partnership with the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and in cooperation with the Swedish Embassy and the European Investment Bank (EIB), with additional funds provided by the governments of Sweden, Switzerland and Serbia.

This event was part of European Green Week 2023, which takes place from June 3 to 11, and focuses on developing the skills we need to create sustainable, resilient and socially equitable communities. This week will demonstrate the EU’s comprehensive support in the field of environmental protection in Serbia, as well as its cooperation with national and local partners.

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