Focus on strengthening the protection of external borders: meeting of Interior Ministers in Szeged –

Austrian Interior Minister Gerhard Karner stressed the importance of cooperation with countries of origin and transit to reduce illegal immigration and prevent people from using dangerous routes to Europe. He stressed the importance of securing the continent and supporting countries like Tunisia in border protection.

Interior ministers plan to put more pressure on the European Commission to ensure stronger border security. An operational exchange of investigators is planned in Vienna in January to intensify the fight against smuggling. The objective is to strengthen structural investigations and the detection of financial flows to combat organized migrant smuggling in the long term.

Austrian boots on the ground

Austria is stepping up its support in the area of ​​border protection in Southeast Europe through the use of drone technology. According to the Austrian Interior Ministry, Austrian police officers are currently stationed in Serbia to help secure the border with North Macedonia using drones.

Interior Minister Gerhard Karner stressed the importance of close cross-border cooperation in the fight against human trafficking. The expertise of Austrian drone specialists will therefore be used to monitor and secure the border region between Serbia and North Macedonia.

In Hungary, up to 70 Austrian police officers carry out border checks in collaboration with their Slovak and Czech colleagues. As part of “Operation Fox”, another 40 police officers secure the approach to the border between Austria and Hungary. In Serbia, 33 Austrian police officers are helping to secure the border with North Macedonia.

New plans against illegal migration

The latest migration situation shows an increase in irregular migration in the Balkans and a change of route, which has significantly reduced the number of asylum applications in Austria and arrests in Burgenland.

The creation of a new joint working group on border security was also decided at the meeting. Ministers underlined the need for a common European solution and a reform of EU migration policy. An important step is to strengthen controls at the EU’s external borders and develop a clear return policy. A comprehensive approach to migration, including more effective financing, strategic partnerships with countries of origin and transit, tackling the root causes of illegal migration and strengthening border management and administration capacities, was deemed essential.

Ministers underlined the importance of prevention and cooperation with third countries as well as the defense of external borders, which should be strengthened by close and innovative partnerships with Europe’s neighboring countries. They agreed to continue the intensive fight against smugglers and human traffickers, including by developing operational cooperation and continuing joint patrol services in the border regions of the Visegrád countries.

Austrian Ministry of the Interior

Czech Ministry of the Interior

Hungarian Ministry of the Interior

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