Infrastructure, energy and tourism projects bring together Albania, Croatia and Montenegro

TIRANA – The second Trilateral Adriatic Summit, an initiative launched by Albania, Croatia and Montenegro earlier this year, will be held on Friday in the coastal city of Durres, Albania, to discuss the challenges facing the Western Balkans region and collaboration on concrete projects on infrastructure, energy and tourism.

Croatia will be represented by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Marija Pejčinović Burić, while Montenegro will be represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro, Srđan Darmanović.

The Adriatic Trilateral is an initiative launched at a meeting of the three countries’ foreign ministers in the Croatian coastal town of Split in February.

The Adriatic Trilateral serves as a platform for NATO’s joint efforts in the Adriatic area aimed at strengthening and expanding cooperation between the three participating countries, as well as for joint action in the interests of a more safe and interconnected in all dimensions.

The three countries stressed the importance of increased connectivity and cooperation in the field of economy, notably in the areas of infrastructure, transport, energy, cross-border and transnational environmental protection, as well as than in the tourism sectors.

The meeting is expected to start on Friday morning at the Durres Archaeological Museum. The participants are expected to appear at a joint press conference after the meeting.

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