INSAIT joins the Global AI Alliance as a Cornerstone Research Institute

You only have a minute? Here are 3 key takeaways from the article:

• INSAIT, Bulgaria’s first AI institute, joins the Global AI Alliance as a key research institute.

• Founding members include IBM, Meta, AMD, Anyscale, CERN, Cleveland Clinic, Cornell University, Dartmouth University, Dell Technologies, EPFL, ETH Zurich, Hugging Face, Imperial College London, INSAIT and Intel, among others.

• The goal of the Global AI Alliance is to support open innovation and open science in AI.

The AI ​​Alliance is a group of leading organizations from industry, startups, academia, research and government coming together to support open innovation and open science in AI. AI.

Recently, the substantial demand for computing resources and data for building basic models, coupled with the scarcity of scientific and technical talent, challenges the widespread accessibility of AI innovation.

Thus, the imperative to demonstrate the utility of AI and establish trust, alongside widespread apprehensions about AI risks, has contributed to the potential confinement of AI innovation to a limited circle of companies adopting a closed and proprietary view of the industry, the group emphasizes.

Therefore, the AI ​​Alliance is designed to create opportunities around the world through a broad range of institutions capable of shaping the evolution of AI in ways that better reflect the needs and complexity of societies, as opposed to to a vision that aims to relegate innovation and the value of AI. creation of a small number of companies with a closed and proprietary vision of the AI ​​industry.

“INSAIT is excited to join the AI ​​Alliance and help pave the way for more transparent, open, secure and trustworthy AI,” INSAIT Scientific Director Professor Martin Vechev said in a statement.

Additionally, by bringing together leading developers, scientists, academic institutions, businesses and other innovators, the group seeks to pool resources and knowledge to address security concerns while providing a platform form of sharing and development of solutions adapted to the needs of researchers, developers and adopters around the world.

How the AI ​​Alliance works

The AI ​​Alliance will begin its work by forming member-led working groups in all of the major topical areas listed above. It also plans to establish a board of directors and a technical oversight committee dedicated to advancing the above project areas, as well as establishing overall standards and guidelines for the project.

In addition to bringing together leading developers, scientists, academics, students and business leaders in the field of artificial intelligence, the AI ​​Alliance also plans to partner with major existing AI initiatives. governments, non-profit organizations and civil society who are making valuable efforts. and aligned work in the AI ​​space.

According to Tom Mihaljevic, CEO and president of the Cleveland Clinic, the group will help different industry players come together and advance AI discoveries.

“We are pleased to become a founding member of the AI ​​Alliance. As a leader in AI in healthcare, we recognize that it has the potential to rapidly accelerate the pace of medical research and improve patient care. AI capabilities continue to grow and improve, and it is essential that organizations from diverse fields come together to help advance AI discoveries and technologies while addressing concerns related to AI. security and safety. » said Mihaljevic.

When it comes to its operations and activities, the AI ​​Alliance takes a multifaceted approach with initiatives that encompass the creation of benchmarks, assessment standards, and a catalog of verified security tools. In addition, the alliance aims to advance open foundation models, promoting the diversity of modalities to address societal challenges.

Recognizing the importance of global AI skills, the alliance also plans to engage with the academic community, supporting research projects and skills development efforts.

Additionally, the alliance will develop educational content to inform public discourse and policymaking. Finally, initiatives promoting the development of open AI and events highlighting responsible AI practices will be an integral part of the alliance’s mission.

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