INTERPOL unveils new biometric screening tool


The Biometric Hub allows officers to identify suspected terrorists or criminals through direct photo and fingerprint checks against INTERPOL databases.

VIENNA, Austria – In mid-November, a fleeing migrant smuggler came under police control in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a group of migrants crossing the Balkans into Western Europe.

Wanted for organized crime and human trafficking since 2021, the smuggler presented himself as another migrant under a false name, using a fraudulent identity document to avoid detection.

The police check, however, was part of an INTERPOL operation which saw the Biometric Hub – a new tool that checks biometric data against the organisation’s global fingerprint and facial recognition databases – used for the first time remotely.

When the smuggler’s photo was transmitted to the biometric center, it immediately indicated that he was wanted in another European country. He was arrested and is currently awaiting extradition.

The operation, which took place in six countries in the Adriatic region, was part of the INTERPOL program Hot Spots Initiativewhich uses biometric data to help detect foreign terrorist fighters and criminals attempting to cross irregular border points.

Cyril Gout, INTERPOL’s Director of Operational Support and Analysis, said:

“A fugitive can change their name and many aspects of their appearance to try to evade justice, but it is difficult, if not impossible, to change your biometrics. This is why biometrics remains the most reliable way to identify someone.

“The Biometric Hub helps law enforcement officers know immediately if the person in front of them poses a security risk. This is particularly important in situations where travel documents are not available or trusted.
Cyril Gout, INTERPOL Director of Operational Support and Analysis,

1 million searches per day

The BioHub is based on a “biometric core” that encompasses INTERPOL’s existing activities. digital print And facial recognition databases as well as a matching system based on technology developed by the company IDEMIA.

An effective tool for controlling people crossing a border, the BioHub can also be used for regular police operations within a country.

Over the next two years, the tool will be gradually rolled out to border crossings and frontline officers among INTERPOL members.

The system is expected to perform up to 1 million forensic searches per day, including fingerprints, palm prints and portraits.

Improved data governance

Previous checks of INTERPOL’s biometric databases were subject to separate, multi-step processes that routinely included human handling or review, meaning any positive response was not immediately reported to the requesting officer.

With BioHub, agents can submit data to both databases through a single interface, which quickly delivers results and allows users to track the status of their requests.

Human review by INTERPOL forensic experts is only required in cases where the quality of the biometric data captured is such that the match falls below a designated threshold.

Crucially, the BioHub also further improves data governance, in line with INTERPOL’s robust agenda. data protection framework.

Biometric data processed through the Hub during a search is not added to INTERPOL’s criminal databases, is not visible to other users and any data that does not result in a match is deleted as a result. of research.

Presented to INTERPOL members earlier this year at the organization’s congress Conference of Heads of National Central Offices in SingaporeThe Biometric Hub was rolled out in October and is now available in all 196 member countries.


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