ISF interview: Aymeric Chauprade, MEP (ENF/FR)

Aymeric Chauprade (@a_chauprade) is a world-renowned political scientist and entrepreneur. Doctor in political science from the Sorbonne, graduate of Sciences Po Paris, bachelor of mathematics and holder of a DEA in international law, he has taught to varied audiences: in business schools (ISG), at the Sorbonne (DESS geopolitics of Paris I Sorbonne) at the National School of Administration of Strasbourg. From 2003 to 2009, he held both the Chair of the History of Political Ideas at the University of Neuchâtel, in Switzerland, and the Chair of Geopolitics at the École de la Guerre in Paris. He also taught in several French and foreign military schools. He has signed study reports for the Ministry of Defense and French private groups. He is a member of the European Parliament of the National Front and a member of the new group Europe of Nations and Freedoms.

European Western Balkans: Mr. Chauprade, thank you for taking the time to speak to us. This year will be 20 years since the terrible events of Srebrenica. These days, many journalists and citizens are talking about the third resolution of the European Parliament on this subject. What was the reason why you presented a new draft resolution on Srebrenica?

Aymeric Chauprade: I have decided to present this proposed resolution as an alternative to the numerous unilateral and non-objective resolutions on Srebrenica, which claim to attribute collective guilt to the Serbian side. Genocide is the most heinous crime known in international law and it is not a question of politics but rather of values: all the victims of Srebrenica, Muslims and Serbs, deserve our consideration and can no longer be a political weapon for the powers. interventionists or local political leaders. .

From the National Front to the European Parliament, we consider that the common perspective of the catastrophe as a mutual misfortune is the only guarantee that it will not happen again and the beginning of a real reconciliation of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but above all we consider that It is time to be constructive and start implementing the necessary reforms for a better quality of life for the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosnia and Herzegovina is an unstable country, facing a deep political and economic crisis for a long time now, 45% of citizens have been unemployed while a third work in public institutions, with a big problem of Islamic radicalization and radicalization in general.

ISF: What are the main messages of your draft resolution?

THAT : Faithful to the values ​​of the National Front, this resolution aims to establish, at the level of the European Institutions, a critical and impartial approach to this terrible event which took place from April 1992 to July 1995. The attack by Muslim forces against Serbian villages surrounding areas, the unimplemented demilitarization of Muslim forces such as the evacuation of Muslim women, children and elderly people as well as the corridor opened by the army of the Republic of Srpska after the fall of Srebrenica on July 11, 1995 must be taken taken into account before drawing conclusions.

ISF: Who are the authors of the project or resolution? Some parties in Serbia support him.

THAT : Concretely, this proposed resolution was entirely designed and piloted by the National Front in the European Parliament. We truly appreciate the support of all those who believe that this resolution would bring true reconciliation and who support it.

ISF: You will organize a conference at the European Parliament on the theme “Serbia among the great powers”. Who will be your main contacts?

THAT : Indeed, we are organizing a conference on June 30 and the theme will be “Serbia between the United States, the EU and Russia” in collaboration with the “Multipolar World Institute” and the “Serbian Institute of Public Diplomacy “. Some interlocutors will be my fellow MEP Barbara Kappel from Austria; Alexis Troude, well-known author in France on Balkan issues; Henri de Groussouvre, founder and general delegate of the Carolus Forum and Bogdana Koljević, associate researcher at the Institute of Political Studies in Belgrade and editor at Nova Srpska Politička Misao, among others.

ISF: Can Serbia really play an important mediating role between the EU and Russia?

THAT : Right now, I would say that the current tests of neutrality will not be easy to manage as the EU and Russia are drifting apart over Ukraine. The most compelling evidence of Serbia’s dangerous tango may be the diplomatic offensive that country is undergoing this month. However, as mentioned above, this will be precisely the main theme of the conference that I am organizing. I think I will definitely be able to come back to you with many new ideas after June 30th.

ISF: Which EU policy approach do you think is best for the Western Balkans?

THAT : The Balkans should be seen as a club of sovereign countries, each with specific interests. They are owned neither by the US-led EU nor by Russia. Some of them maintain privileged relations with Russia and expect a balanced approach to diplomatic issues. This is our philosophy.

ISF: And the last question is: what is the intention of the “Proposal for a resolution on stopping negotiations on Serbia’s accession to the European Union?” » Why at that time?

THAT : We are talking about the “Proposal for a resolution on stopping negotiations on Serbia’s accession to the EU”, published on May 9, 2015, not recently, certainly. This concrete resolution was not my initiative, but I gave it my support because I completely agree that the EU policy towards Serbia is unfair: firstly, there are deep disagreements between the EU and Serbia regarding the status of the province of Kosovo. It is because I support Serbia that I do not want to support the EU pressure against Belgrade. Second, because a US-led EU widens the gap with
In Russia, further separation between Serbia and Russia would not be good for Serbia. To respect reality
interests of your country, we believe that we must first change the EU foreign policy towards Serbia, and then integrate Serbia, which must play a key role in the future Europe of nations.

EWB: Thank you very much, Mr. Chauprade, for taking the time to discuss with us and for your answers. We will come back to you with new questions after your conference.

Author: NT Stiplija

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