Italy-Albania Joint Economic Commission, Tajani: The Balkans are a priority of our foreign policy

Energy, infrastructure and agri-food were the main themes on which the second meeting at political level of the Joint Economic Committee between Italy e Albaniachaired today at Farnesina by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani and by the head of government of Tirana Edi Rama. In a press briefing following the meeting, the parties highlighted the excellent relations between the two countries, whose emblem is trade, which recorded growth of 16 percent last year, exceeding 3 .3 billion euros.

“Albania is a strategic partner and the Western Balkans are a priority of Italian foreign policy,” Tajani said, emphasizing the government’s support for the entry into the European Union of countries from the Western Balkans region. “We hope that the enlargement can take place before 2030. The Italian commitment will also continue within the working group of the Friends of the Western Balkans”, added the head of Farnesina, in reference to the initiative aimed at undertaking resolute actions for European integration. Regarding ties with Albania, Tajani recalled that they are “old” and it is also for this reason that Italy “wants to contribute to the growth” of the country. Today’s meeting, explained the Minister of Foreign Affairs, “was very positive and fruitful, and advanced the already excellent relations.” “All political actions will then be followed by technical discussions,” assured Tajani.

The Albanian Prime Minister, who also has a meeting with the Prime Minister scheduled for the afternoon Giorgia Meloni, thanked the government for the attention paid to deepening bilateral relations and developing the “enormous potential” present in all areas of cooperation. “Italian is the second language of Albanians and the political language is the same, because we have practically the same positions on everything. We are happy that Italy is our most reliable defender at the European level, the most consistent voice in Brussels to support Albania and the Western Balkans on the European path,” Rama said. The meeting of the Bilateral Joint Economic Committee was an opportunity to confirm the involvement of major Italian players in the development of concrete collaborations with Albania, notably Ferrovie dello Stato, Terna, Fincantieri, Leonardo, Ita Airways and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. “Italy is ready to do more and more to strengthen its presence,” Tajani said, emphasizing that “Albanian friends will also meet representatives of the industry.”

Foliage, for his part, observed that Italy and Albania “have many strategic objectives in common.” “We addressed the theme of the interconnection between Italy and Albania and we spoke more broadly about the panorama of the country’s electricity development. At the end of this decade, we will be energy exporters and it is in Italy’s interest to participate in this development,” explained the Albanian Prime Minister. During the meeting, Rama added, the delegations the two countries also discussed Corridor 8 and railway projects. As the Albanian Prime Minister recalled, “Italy is participating in the construction of the Tirana-Durres railway”. But the consolidation of relations between the two countries also goes through the agri-food industry, for which “the development of great potential has begun. ” Just last year, so until August, exports of olive oil from Albania were multiplied by 50. Italy is an excellent producer of this product, but it is also an importing country. We are in the same parallel as Puglia and that facilitates exchanges,” says Rama.

During the press briefing at Farnesina, Rama and Tajani highlighted the good collaboration between Rome and Tirana also in the field of irregular immigration and the fight against crime. Through the work of the Financial Police, “Italy works very well with the Albanian police forces”, explained Tajani, adding that it is necessary “to fight against human traffickers, who are also those of drugs and weapons. Precisely on the migration issue, between the two countries “there is a great desire to work together”. “The Balkan route must remain under control. At the UN, we have put on the table the question of immigration, which is a question of public order but above all strategic. There are a series of causes that are pushing hundreds of thousands of people to head to the north of the world via the Balkan and Mediterranean route. A problem of this magnitude cannot be solved alone,” Tajani said. Italy and Albania remain committed to promoting peace and dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. Tajani said he had heard from Kosovar Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, stressing that “Italy, thanks to its ability to dialogue with everyone, can continue to play a role in bringing peace to a very complicated “.

Tajani observed that the work of the Italian army “is appreciated by all” and that the country is “ready to consider strengthening the KFOR system.” “We will do everything possible to ensure that dialogue resumes. Violence leads to violence and dialogue leads to dialogue,” added the minister, referring to what happened last Sunday in Banjska, northern Kosovo, where an armed group of ethnic Serbs killed a police officer. Kosovo during an exchange of fire in which four of the attackers also lost their lives. According to Rama, the days of mourning announced by Belgrade for the members of the armed group eliminated by the Kosovo security forces are the worst signal that Serbia can send to the region and the Euro-Atlantic community. The Albanian Prime Minister stressed the need for a “correct judgment” on the part of the European Union on the current situation between Pristina and Belgrade. In this regard , the head of government of Tirana explained that Albania does not support the declaration recently signed by the High Council of the EU. The representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, on the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. According to Rama, the positions contained in the document “are not adapted to the current situation and until there is a second EU statement, Tirana will not align.”

The meeting of the Joint Economic Committee between Italy and Albania thus made it possible to discuss not only plans for the development of bilateral cooperation, but also the most current issues. Besides Tajani, the meeting was also attended by the Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida, the Minister of Environment and Energy Security Gilberto Pichetto Fratin and the Undersecretary of Infrastructure and Transport, Tullio Ferrante. On the Albanian side, besides Rama, there were also Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Anila Denaj, Minister of Economy Ervin Mete, Minister of State for Business Delina Ibrahimaj and Minister of Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani.

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