Kyrgyz Ambassador Meets French President’s Diplomatic Advisor

Kyrgyz Ambassador Meets French President’s Diplomatic Advisor

AKIPRESS.COM – Kyrgyz Ambassador to France Sadiq Sher-Niyaz and the French President’s diplomatic advisor for continental Europe, Turkey and the Balkans Bertrand Buchwalter met at the Elysée on September 18.

The parties discussed issues of Kyrgyz-French bilateral cooperation, the Foreign Ministry reported. The mutual intention to expand political dialogue by organizing mutual visits at the highest level in 2023 was confirmed.

Diplomats paid special attention to reviewing the current state and prospects for further development of political, trade, economic, investment, scientific and cultural interaction between the two countries, information on political transformations internal affairs of the country, the work carried out to strengthen human rights, freedom of expression and draft laws on the media and NPOs under study.

Ambassador Sher-Niyaz emphasized the need to develop trade, economic, cultural and investment relations by expanding the legal framework and organizing this year the first business forum of Kyrgyz and French entrepreneurs in Paris .

The participation of French companies in the implementation of economic projects in Kyrgyzstan was assessed positively, particularly in terms of the development of the energy and tourism sectors of the Kyrgyz economy.

Given France’s efforts to improve the climate and ecology, the ambassador proposed examining the issue of canceling foreign debt in exchange for projects to preserve the environment and the green economy .

The parties confirmed their willingness to continue their joint efforts to further expand cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and France.

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