Report released by human rights defenders in the Western Balkans


THE Report on human rights defenders in the Western Balkans was published today and handed out to participants of the forum “Defending European Values ​​in the Accession Process” in Skopje, North Macedonia.

The situation of human rights defenders (HRDs) in the Western Balkans is increasingly precarious. Across the region, HRDs and organizations, as well as independent media, are subject to intimidation, threats, smear campaigns, digital and physical attacks, and general disregard from national authorities.

If the region shares several common characteristics (slow integration, weak rule of law, intimidation of HRDs, limited democratization, lack of press freedom, etc.), each country is naturally faced with specific challenges and the protection of human rights. man has unique consequences, depending on local contexts. contexts.

As such, Civil Rights Defenders produced a report written by experts from each of the six Western Balkan states: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. Together, they conducted in-depth research on the challenges and position of HRDs in the region and proposed a wide range of recommendations to national authorities, the international community, the media and HRDs themselves.

Having interviewed 100 HRDs for the purposes of this report, this is one of the most prolific and detailed field studies on their situation in the Western Balkans, country by country.

The full report can be read in English here. You can also access each of the national reports in their local language to: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia And Serbia.


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