Representatives of Western Balkan countries reiterated their commitment to the Green Agenda

The United Nations Development Program in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNDP) organized a two-day regional conference “Unpacking the green agenda for the Western Balkans ➡ the way forward” from December 7 to 8, 2022 in Sarajevo, within the project “Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency” – CBITwhich is funded by the Global Environment Facility – GEF.

The conference brought together a large number of representatives of national and regional institutions from the Western Balkans, as well as international organizations, financial institutions, experts in the field of energy and environment, to discuss priority actions and next steps that countries in the region should take to address climate change issues and achieve carbon neutrality, as well as how to strengthen their cooperation on the path to a green and just transition.

The event took place at the recent United Nations Climate Conference – COP27, where world leaders gathered to discuss how to translate the promises of the Paris Agreement into concrete actions to the climate. Therefore, the objective of this event was to bring together representatives of relevant institutions from the Western Balkan countries and engage them in constructive dialogue, exchange experiences and best practices, identify ways to overcome challenges , to take advantage of opportunities and create the conditions. to progress together towards climate neutrality, because this issue has no borders and requires the participation of the whole world.

The Western Balkan countries have taken a first step by signing the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda. These commitments are demanding and ambitious, and national institutions need support to respond quickly and respond adequately to the tasks before them. UNDP has provided significant support to the Bosnia and Herzegovina authorities to deliver on their climate promise made in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), which is at the heart of the Paris Agreement and represents a commitment by countries to reduce their emissions national and adapt to negative impacts. of climate change. We have been working for many years with international and national partners, providing financial resources for the direct implementation of measures and projects, as well as providing technical assistance to improve the capacity of institutions. These activities should be carried out on a larger scale, much more quickly across the country and more widely, and UNDP remains committed to continuing to support Bosnia and Herzegovina in these efforts.

Stephen Kinloch Pichat, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Senad Oprašić, Head of the Environmental Protection Department at the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina and operational focal point of the GEFjoined this event with Dr Yasemin Biro Kirtman, GEF Coordinator for Knowledge and Learning. In the previous days, they hosted the GEF regional workshop for Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East in Sarajevo. On this occasion, Dr. Biro Kirtman expressed her gratitude for having had the opportunity to attend this conference and see for herself the exchange of experiences of the Western Balkan countries, which cooperate with this Global Fund for many years, and where several climate projects are financed and supported by the GEF.

As part of the Conference, three panels were organized on the following themes: Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, Project Financing and Implementation of climate policies and projects in the countries of the region.

Participants discussed the current energy situation, which requires new alternative and environmentally acceptable energy sources, as well as the fact that climate change is becoming increasingly costly, representing an additional burden for the weak economies of the Western Balkan countries. . In this regard, it was highlighted that climate actions also bring economic benefits, as the green transition can make the economy sustainable, driven by renewable energy sources capable of creating new jobs and generating savings.

Participants agreed that there is a need to find new, innovative ways to access green/climate finance that will help countries meet their obligations, as well as strengthen their technical, financial and administrative capacities for preparation and implementation. implementation of climate projects. In addition to climate change-related outcomes, projects are expected to address socio-economic inclusion, strengthening female entrepreneurship and have a positive impact on gender imbalance in this region. Furthermore, it was emphasized that this transition process must be fair and inclusive and, in this sense, it is necessary to encourage greater inclusion of vulnerable groups, women, youth and more active participation of citizens. The need to further strengthen the cooperation of existing experts in the region, as well as the active participation of decision-makers in the implementation of the Green Agenda, was also encouraged.

All participants thanked UNDP for organizing this important conference and reiterated the commitment of the Western Balkan countries to fulfilling their obligations arising from the Green Agenda and the Sofia Declaration.

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