Retvari: Rapid EU integration of as many Western Balkan countries as possible is in Hungary’s interest

The rapid integration of as many Western Balkan countries as possible is in Hungary’s interest, the State Secretary of the Interior Ministry told MTI by telephone in Tirana on Thursday.

Bence Retvari attended and spoke at the Berlin Process Summit 2023 in the Albanian capital.

During the summit attended by 20 states and international organizations, including Interpol, several Western Balkan countries indicated that they had already met the integration criteria.

Retvari said he affirmed at the summit Hungary’s unwavering support for the fastest possible integration of countries in the region, which is in Hungary’s interests.

He said illegal immigration and measures to combat it were high on the summit’s agenda and highlighted “successful” border control cooperation between Serbian, Hungarian and Austrian police forces. . The State Secretary proposed launching similar cooperation on the Bulgarian-Turkish and Greek-Turkish borders, which are the external borders of the EU.

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