Russian state media in Serbia supports government with anti-Western rhetoric

While EU member states have banned the broadcast of Russian state-affiliated media due to their propagandistic reporting and the spread of disinformation, in Serbia the operation of these media remains free, while their influence is significant. The majority of major pro-government media outlets regularly carry news published by Russian state media, such as RT Balkan and Sputnik Serbia.

The powerful impact of these media is clearly evident from various public opinion surveys on citizens’ attitudes towards Russia. According to a survey published by the “New Third Way” organization in April 2023, up to 66% of citizens believe that the West is responsible for the war in Ukraine, while only 21% blame Russia.

Furthermore, the same poll showed that almost 48% of Serbian citizens consider Russia to be Serbia’s most important political and economic partner, while only 30% consider it to be the EU.

In addition to being a channel for disseminating Kremlin propaganda, Russian state media in Serbia also serves as a platform for spreading narratives beneficial to Serbian state officials.

As ISF According to reports, Russian state media helped Serbia’s ruling party and President Vučić control the discourse during mass protests after the May tragedies, as well as during the electoral process. Russian media reporting on these events does not differ significantly from pro-government tabloids.

“Color revolutions”, “new Maidans” and “overthrow of the Serbian state by the West” – are some of the labels that Serbian authorities regularly attach to every anti-government demonstration and opposition activity. Russian state media has also used such narratives to interpret political events in Serbia.

During the electoral process, negative campaigns against, for example, the “ProGlas” civic initiatives found their place not only in pro-government media but also in Russian state media. For example, RT Balkans “investigated” the links of “ProGlas” with non-governmental organizations, Soros, the CIA…

Such an analysis by RT Balkan made the front page of the pro-government tabloid Informant, while the article was also published in the print edition of Serbia’s oldest daily newspaper, Policy.

Vladimir Dordevićassistant professor at the Department of Territorial Studies at the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies at Mendel University in Brno, believes that Russian state media, such as RT Balkan or Sputnik, never criticize political elites, whatever that they do.

“Moreover, they give them the space to slander the West. For example, in the case of the Serbian president, they repeatedly reported that he spoke very critically about the EU. On the other hand, they did not report when he praised the EU for its aid and assistance to Serbia,” Dorđević said.

He adds that Russian media often use existing nationalist discourses, mainly those from Serbia and Republika Srpska, sometimes proposing Russian solutions to the situation in the region.

“Russian propaganda often uses nationalist discourses that are already very popular and well-established in countries like Serbia or Republika Srpska in Bosnia-Herzegovina. This is generally the basis of their communication in this region. This creates a perception among citizens of Russia as protector of Serbian national interests,” believes Đorđević.

He adds that Russia uses its media to project its power and influence in the Western Balkans region, while Russia’s role and importance to countries in the region are often mythologized.

Besides Serbia, the launch of Russian state media RT Balkan was also announced in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Experts believe that the launch of RT Balkan in Bosnia and Herzegovina could further deepen political and ethnic polarization in that country.

“The opening of a media outlet directly financed by the Russian state would also pose the problem of polarization in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Western Balkans. This polarization will largely follow national lines, because, in my opinion, the Russian state is actually abusing nationalist discourses in the region and using them for its propaganda,” says Đorđević.

He adds that Russian propaganda is quite successful in creating a negative image of the West in Serbia and the Western Balkans.

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