Scotland could join EU ‘smoothly and quickly’ after independence: report


A new report from the Edinburgh government sets out its plans for a future relationship with Europe, but independence is not on the agenda.


The Scottish Government has outlined its plans to re-join the European Union, saying it would be a process that would take place “smoothly and quickly” after independence, with the application to join the bloc being submitted ” as soon as possible “.

The pro-European and pro-independence government in Edinburgh made the comments in a statement. new policy document which sets out the benefits of EU membership, including access to the single market for Scottish businesses; common access to EU free trade agreements; securing EU funding for Scottish agriculture in particular; and allow young Scottish people to benefit from the Erasmus+ university exchange program, which was closed to them after Brexit.

EU membership, says country’s de facto foreign minister Angus Robertson“would give Scotland direct representation in European decision-making for the first time ever, providing our economy with the opportunity to grow in a market seven times the size of the UK and escape the damage caused by the UK’s hard Brexit, which is hitting the UK. The Scottish economy and communities are tough.

Lack of support for independence hampers projects

The problem with Scotland’s EU membership is that independence is not on the agenda.

The British Conservatives and Labor have vigorously opposed any mechanism that would allow the Scottish government to hold a referendum on independence; while polls consistently show no majority support for independence in Scotland itself.

A poll released earlier this month put support for independence at 40%, with 49% in favor of remaining part of the United Kingdom.

The ruling Scottish National Party says it will claim a “mandate for independence negotiations” with London if it wins a majority of Scottish seats in the next UK election, which it already has.

However, a series of scandals and the natural attrition of nearly 16 years in power has shaken the SNP’s once unassailable position at the top of Scotland’s political establishment, with a sea change expected next year.

It is widely expected that Scottish Labor will win a large number of SNP seats in Westminster in the next UK election; with polls also showing a wave of support for the Labor Party in the Scottish parliamentary elections, which would likely overturn the pro-independence majority in the Edinburgh parliament.

At the beginning of November, the European Commission published its annual report on future enlargement of the bloc, with expansion plans firmly focused on the Western Balkans region.

How could Scotland join the EU?

Scotland left the EU along with the rest of the United Kingdom after the 2016 Brexit referendum.

Although the UK as a whole narrowly voted to leave, Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain in the bloc and polls since then have shown a growing majority think Brexit was a mistake and that the future of the country should be in the EU.

This paints a picture of a confused Scottish electorate: they want to be part of the European Union, but are not committed to independence as a way to get there.

Since the Brexit referendum, “there have been many debates about the best future for Scotland,” Robertson said.

“The Scottish Government believes we can build a better country through a powerful combination of independence and EU membership,” he added.

The Scottish government said an independent Scotland would continue with the normal membership process, known as Article 49, which usually takes several years. In the meantime, they would seek some kind of transitional arrangement which would allow Scottish exporters in particular to access the single market.

“Being part of the EU for over 47 years, with a positive record of implementing EU legislation and a high level of alignment with EU law,” Scotland says in a “unique position” to move forward quickly with the accession process, the report says.

The new policy document sidesteps the question of whether an independent Scotland would adopt the euro as its currency – an issue which has proven particularly controversial in political discussions in Scotland. However, the document reaffirms the government’s position that a new currency, the Scottish pound, would be used after independence and that at a later date decisions could be made on joining the euro.


Scotland would likely end up becoming a “net contributor” to EU budgets, the government says, but notes that “a number of member states with relatively small economies were initially net beneficiaries, but have become net contributors to the EU budget over time.

Explaining Scotland’s attractiveness to the EU

While Scotland would benefit in many areas from re-joining the European Union, the new policy document highlights how the EU could also benefit from Scotland joining as a new member state.

It focuses on areas such as research and development of renewable energy technologies to combat climate change, culture and education, commitment to the EU social justice agenda and commitment to freedom and democracy – attractive qualities for a bloc struggling to figure out how to deal with countries such as Hungary and Poland, or others, that lean right and have moved away from values EU municipalities.

“We are also well placed to give back to the EU as a welcoming and inclusive country, with strengths in research and renewable energy, and an unwavering commitment to promoting human rights and the international rule of law,” says Angus Robertson.


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