Symbio and Pulsalys join forces to accelerate the creation of innovative startups in the field of hydrogen

Symbio and Pulsalys are joining forces to accelerate the creation of innovative startups in the field of hydrogen.

SYMBIO, leader in zero-emission hydrogen mobility, major technological and industrial partner of the pioneers of sustainable mobility, is joining forces with PULSALYS, the DeepTech innovation incubator and accelerator in Lyon and Saint-Etienne, to accelerate the creation of startups innovative in the field of hydrogen. Challenge: supporting and accelerating the creation of startups from teams at university sites in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in the field of hydrogen, making it possible to support startups in the sector in their incubation and development phase. get closer to public and private laboratories more quickly to accelerate their development, and support the emergence of a robust hydrogen ecosystem in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, thanks to the cross support of the PULSALYS incubator and the industrial SYMBIO, leader in the domain .

SYMBIO leader in zero-emission hydrogen mobility, and PULSALYS the Society for Acceleration of Technology Transfer of Lyon and Saint-Etienne (SATT) announces on November 10, 2023 the signing of a framework agreement to seal a new partnership.

A new collaboration, anchored in the territory and the hydrogen valley in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

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This agreement between these two strategic players in innovation in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region is part of the objective of accelerating the development of the hydrogen sector.

The signing of this agreement allows SYMBIO to put its expertise in hydrogen-related technologies at the service of selected startups, currently being created or incubated PULSALYS including privileged access to SYMBIO laboratories and equipment and/or mentoring. PULSALYS will bring its expertise to SYMBIO on the one hand in the detection of opportunities for the creation and connection of startups from public research laboratories in the field, and on the other hand, in the incubation phase of startups whose market is part of the hydrogen sector.

Philippe Rosier, CEO of SYMBIO, said:

Symbio is committed to the solid development of a hydrogen sector. We have been contributing to incubation projects for several years.

“This partnership with PULSALYS is a way of strengthening our action by putting our technological and industrial expertise at the service of promising breakthrough projects. And thus contribute to consolidating our ecosystem and making zero-emission hydrogen mobility a reality.

Sophie Jullian, President of PULSALYS, declared:

I am delighted with this agreement with SYMBIO, a major player in hydrogen and innovation in the field, especially since the company is established locally and contributes to the national and international influence of the territory.

“This structuring partnership for a sector of the future will be beneficial for our two structures through the actions mentioned and more broadly for all startups in the hydrogen sector which is a priority for the Region and for the State, in particular through the plan France 2030.”

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Symbio and Pulsalys are joining forces to accelerate the creation of innovative startups in the field of hydrogen. source

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