Tajani: We want the Western Balkans to be part of the European family

AQUILA – “We must motivate the Western Balkan countries to finish their work and achieve everything they need to be part of Europe. We must help politically through projects and send the message that we want the Balkans to be part of the European family. This is precisely why I started my engagement in the Balkans by visiting Montenegro,” said the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, opening the latest event of the Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Program, organized in Aquila, in Italy.

He highlighted that the stability of the Balkans, the fight against terrorism and migration management are the main topics requiring financial support.

“The EU needs to invest more in networks and business,” Tajani said.

The conference brought together representatives from eight countries in the region, in which Minister of European Affairs Aleksandar Andrija Pejović participated on behalf of the Government of Montenegro.

Minister Pejović said that only through coordinated and strategic action, while supporting concrete and visible activities and projects, tailored to local and broader needs, can we ensure the further development of the Adriatic basin.

He noted that the connection and construction of infrastructure must be accompanied by social and economic reforms, environmental protection and close integration, stressing that such events recall the vision and added value of European territorial cooperation and EU cohesion policy as one of the most important instruments for territorial development and cooperation of the countries of the Adriatic region.

The minister emphasized that Montenegro recognized the Adriatic cross-border program as an excellent opportunity for joint activities with its Adriatic partners, as confirmed by the fact that Montenegrin organizations and institutions participated in 49 projects that improved cooperation in a number of areas.

He stressed that cooperation continues through the new Adrion program, as well as the trilateral program for Italy, Albania and Montenegro.

Under the Adriatic Program 2007-2013, the countries of the region united for gradual integration into the EU, thanks to geographical proximity and common cultural and historical heritage.

The program, with a total value of 220.5 million euros, facilitated the exchange of knowledge and experience with Member States in the field of economic, social and institutional cooperation, natural and cultural resources and risk prevention, as well as traffic and networking.

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