The new Trans Dinarica cycle path will connect eight Balkan countries

In 2024, cyclists can expect to pedal a new 2,000 km (1,242 mile) route linking eight Balkan countries.

THE Trans Dinarica Trail will take riders through a region of extraordinary natural diversity, lush forests of Slovenia to the steep mountains of Montenegro And North Macedoniain front of rivers with crystal clear waters Bosnia and Herzegovina And Serbiaalong the magnificent coasts of Croatia And Albaniaand through the national parks of Kosovo. With each country offering its own flavor and charm, Trans Dinarica truly offers the complete package for cyclist travelers looking for an unforgettable adventure.

According to Alex Crevar of BonTrail, one of the trail’s organizers and advocates, once the route is completed, “detailed navigation information will be available so people can plan each step with services, cultural stops, UNESCO sites, national parks, accommodation, restaurants, great places to stop for sightseeing. ” and more. It will be the first resource of its kind for cyclists wishing to discover the Western Balkans.

New trail connects eight Balkan countries, including mountainous Montenegro © Shutterstock

An aspiring adventure cyclist’s dream

The team behind Trans Dinarica hopes to create an itinerary that combines adventure travel and culture. “The route deliberately does not stop in all major cities. » said Crévar. “The idea is to spread sustainable tourism throughout the region. » With many regional capitals and urban centers already within reach, it is the rural and neglected communities that will benefit most from the trail. “Sustainable tourism means ensuring that all communities benefit in a healthy way,” adds Crevar.

The creation of the Trans Dinarica is not just about publishing a map: it is a complete route development project. This encompasses everything from creating GPS datasets, to meeting local guesthouse owners, to connecting with local cycling guides who know the road conditions. The team is also preparing a possible set of signs to mark the trail and allow navigation without a cell phone.

Cyclists should have a little patience with their equipment, as there will inevitably be some hiccups during the first few years of coordinating such a long route through so many countries. Are you planning to mount it in 2024? Expect an adventurous experience – and definitely plan to provide feedback to the folks at GoodTrail, who are eager to refine and improve.

Trail developers hope to combine adventure travel with local culture and history © Matevž Hribar

Big moves for cyclists and locals

Don’t come on the Trans Dinarica if you’re looking for fully asphalted roads; you can expect rough sidewalks and dirt roads along the way. Come if you are ready for adventure, have big wheels on your bike and are ready to interact with the locals. Tobi Gessler, founder and guide of Ride Albania, reports that in recent years “new asphalt roads have been built, including in mountain areas. Until now, many of them have not been very busy with cars and can therefore be a pleasure to cycle through. But in general, roads – including new roads – in Albania are not designed for cyclists but rather for cars.

An advantage of dirt roads? They generally take cyclists to unsaturated destinations. Gessler believes the trail can contribute to the “decentralization of tourism” in Albania, a country full of natural beauty.

The trail will take cyclists to less visited parts of the region, such as rural Albania © redstallion/Getty Images

It is unlikely for most cyclists to complete the course in one go, as it is made up of winding circuits in each country. This is ideal for planning a seven-day loop through Croatia and Montenegro, for example, or a five-day hike from PristinaKosovo, in Albanian coast. With many sections on dirt or gravel roads, the average cyclist will not travel the 100 km (62 miles) per day that they would on pavement. Still, this leaves room for creativity in trip planning – not to mention the possibility of returning year after year to explore another corner of the region.

For the local cycling community, an internationally designed trail “encourages many foreign cyclists to decide to cycle in an unfamiliar country,” says Tadeja Kofjač of Polka Dot Cycling in Slovenia. A seasoned cyclist who travels thousands of kilometers each year through the green forests and mountains of her home country, she remembers the time when “years ago, Slovenia was not recognized as a cycling destination “. For her, the arrival of a cycle path “is also a commitment. Local providers along the route must provide their services to the highest possible standard to attract and retain more cyclists, which will certainly help to grow their business.

The natural beauty of the Balkans is sure to dazzle riders © Matevž Hribar

Do you have an ambitious mind? Be one of the first to hike the trail in 2024 when final maps are released. Need a little helping hand? Choose your dream country in the Western Balkans, then contact a local cycling team to arrange a tour with a professional cycling guide.

Just watch your heart: you risk leaving it on the edge of a canyon overlooking one of the wildest regions in Europe.

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