The United States and North Macedonia: NATO allies and strategic partners in the Balkans

Bilateral cooperation between the United States and North Macedonia is strong and focuses on strengthening democratic institutions, rule of law reform, and economic development that supports regional integration and energy security. The United States supports North Macedonia’s aspirations for full integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions. The United States is committed to helping North Macedonia adopt inclusive democracy and responsive governance; fight corruption and discrimination; strengthen the rule of law; strengthen and diversify its economy; promote media freedom; and build greater democratic institutions in a full, inclusive and multi-ethnic society. The United States values ​​our security partnership with North Macedonia as a steadfast NATO ally. North Macedonia’s membership in NATO strengthens security, stability and prosperity throughout the Western Balkans region.

Bilateral economic relations

North Macedonia has been a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) since 2003, recently joined the WTO Government Procurement Agreement in September 2023, and has negotiated free trade agreements with many of its neighbors . In 2022, total trade between North Macedonia and the United States amounted to $270 million. American electrical machinery and equipment has been particularly attractive to importers from North Macedonia. The main exports to the United States are tobacco, clothing, iron and steel.

US aid to North Macedonia

The U.S. government’s assistance to North Macedonia focuses on strengthening the democratic and economic reforms needed to accelerate progress toward EU membership. US aid aims to strengthen the rule of law and good governance through systemic reforms across sectors, anti-corruption efforts and greater transparency; promote economic reform and opportunity, boosting energy and cyber resilience and developing a diverse workforce; and foster national capacities and engagement in regional initiatives and multilateral platforms to advance stability, integration, multi-ethnic cohesion and security.

Since 1993, the United States has invested more than $1.3 billion in aid to North Macedonia.

Membership of North Macedonia in international organizations

North Macedonia and the United States work closely together in numerous international organizations, including the United Nations, the OSCE, the Adriatic Charter, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization and the NATO. North Macedonia has demonstrated tremendous leadership on the world stage as the current Chair of the OSCE, leading Europe in the face of Russian obstructionism. North Macedonia also holds the 2023 presidency of the A5, which aims to strengthen democratic institutions, promote peace and stability, and integrate regional countries more deeply into the Euro-Atlantic community.

North Macedonia is an official candidate country for the European Union, following the European Council’s decision to open EU accession negotiations with North Macedonia in 2020. The United States stands ready to support North Macedonia in its reforms in governance, rule of law and the fight against corruption. this will strengthen its European perspective and advance the long-standing goal of a Europe whole, free and at peace. The historic 2019 Prespa Agreement resolved a dispute between Greece and North Macedonia that prevented North Macedonia from joining NATO and the EU. North Macedonia’s NATO accession protocol was ratified in 2020.

Further information can be found hereor by contacting

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