Transparency International CPI 2021: progress, stagnation and regression in the Western Balkans


A few days ago, Transparency International presented the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2021. Compared to the 2020 results, we see an improvement in the situation in North Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro. Serbia remains at an all-time low for the second year in a row, while Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina performed worst among the Western Balkans and were removed from the list again.

The 2021 CPI ranked 180 countries and territories around the world according to their perceived level of public sector corruption, with results given on a scale from 0 (very corrupt) to 100 (very clean). The Western Balkan countries are located in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region, where human rights violations have increased corruption risks.

In 2021, the Western Balkans’ average score is 38.6, which is better compared to 37.5 points in 2020. This result is nevertheless far from the European Union average of 64 points and the global average by 43 points.

With 46 points in 64th place, Montenegro remains the highest ranked country, followed by Kosovo and North Macedonia (in 87th place with 39 points), Serbia (96th place with 38 points) and Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina (110th place with 35 points). points).

Albania – six places less than in 2020

According to the Corruption Perception Index in 2021, Albania fell to 110th place out of 180 countries, ending up six places below Transparency International’s list compared to 2020. Having reached an index of 35 points , the country is 8 points below the world. average and, together with Bosnia and Herzegovina, occupies the lowest position among the Western Balkan countries.

Besides Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania shares its place with Thailand, Malawi and Mongolia.

The country has not made significant progress since 2012 when its index was 33 points. Although the score of 35 in 2021 is not the lowest in the last ten years (in 2013, Albania scored 31 and was in 116th place), this year’s drop reflects widespread corruption. scale in this country.

As Transparency International noted in its report, “journalists in Albania face prosecution and intimidation, including excessive control of information related to the COVID-19 response. Additionally, concerns about police violence during protests and violations of freedom of assembly have been recorded throughout the pandemic.”

Bosnia and Herzegovina – significant decline over the last ten years

In 2021, Bosnia and Herzegovina made no progress in public sector corruption and, according to the Corruption Perception Index, recorded a score of 35 points. It ranks 110th out of 180 countries and among the countries in the Western Balkans region, along with Albania, it performed worst.

Transparency International highlighted that among the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, along with Turkey, is a country that has experienced significant deterioration over the previous decade (in 2012, the Bosnia and Herzegovina ranked 72nd with 42 points).

In his statement, TI explained that the political crisis constitutes a huge problem that threatens the existence of the state. Additionally, it was noted that journalists are under threat as the government continues to manipulate the media, whistleblower protection laws are not adequately enforced, and courts are unable to prosecute cases. of corruption.

As reported by N1 BiH, during the presentation of the CPI results, Srđan Blagovčanin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Transparency International BiH, explained that the cause of this situation is the complete cessation of functioning of public institutions , which eliminated any dilemma that the country is completely non-institutional.

“There are no longer any obstacles to corruption, even formal ones. The plundering of States, that is to say citizens and resources, has intensified. The country is on the verge of chaos. If the parliament does not work, if the executive branch does not work, if the judiciary is captured by ethnic-nationalist leaders, this country and its resources practically become the property of the ethnic-nationalist cartel,” Blagovcanin said.

Kosovo – significant improvement in 2021

According to the Corruption Perception Index, Kosovo made significant progress in 2021. With an index of 39, it ranks 87th, 17 places above the position of the list presented in 2020. This place only Kosovo shares with its Western Balkan neighbor, North Macedonia. as well as with Morocco, Ethiopia, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, Tanzania and Vietnam.

Although still below the global average, it was noted that Kosovo had demonstrated a real commitment to fighting corruption by investigating potentially corrupt leaders and adopting a pro-state strategy. right.

According to Transparency International, Kosovo has seen peaceful transitions of power between governments in recent years and its parliament was the only one in the Western Balkans – and one of only five in all of Europe – not to transfer power. decision-making power in Parliament. executive when the pandemic hit.

However, it was added, “the government must ensure that public appointments are made in a timely, transparent and impartial manner in order to bring about necessary improvements in public procurement processes.”

Montenegro – the only WB country above the world average

This year, Montenegro remains the highest ranked country in the Western Balkans according to the Corruption Perception Index. In 2021, with 46 points, it ranks 64th out of 180 countries, three places higher in the ranking compared to the previous year.

Despite improvements, this is not the best result Montenegro has achieved in the last ten years. From 2012 to 2021, its scores vary from 41 to 46, so the question is whether this year’s result is progress or whether Montenegro is stagnating over the years?

However, it should be kept in mind that Montenegro is the only country in the Western Balkans that scored above the world average. Additionally, in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region, only Georgia and Armenia performed better.

According to a press release from the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, these results constitute an additional incentive to eradicate corruption.

“The Agency perceives the new report as an encouragement and recognition of its efforts aimed at strengthening the integrity of public administration through constant concern for the protection of the public interest, legal, transparent and non-selective action, but also as an incentive to continue reform activities. , improving experience and practice,” it is stated in the announcement.

North Macedonia – progress after years of decline

According to the Corruption Perception Index, North Macedonia’s score improved by 4 points since last year. By reaching a score of 39 out of 100, this country is in 87th place, 24 places higher compared to the 2020 CPI.

Efforts over the past year have put the country back on track after several years of decline.

As Transparency International noted, “the country has taken steps to prosecute senior officials for corruption and strengthen independent oversight institutions.”

In addition, the government adopted an anti-corruption program and action plan – developed in consultation with civil society – which included explicit measures to combat organized crime, reform elections and the justice system, and combat nepotism, cronyism and influence in public recruitment practices.

Serbia – lack of political will is the main reason for lack of progress

According to the Corruption Perception Index, Serbia did not make progress in the area of ​​corruption in the public sector in 2021, given that, as in previous years, it recorded 38 points and occupies 96th place on a total of 180 countries.

Serbia ranks 96th, along with Argentina, Brazil, Indonesia, Lesotho and Turkey, and loses 2 places compared to the previous year, when it ranked 94th. This is also the worst situation that Serbia has experienced in the last ten years and, with this result, it belongs to the group of countries where corruption is widespread.

During the online conference “Presenting the most important global ranking of countries according to the perception of corruption – ICC 2021: where is Serbia on the list? », the director of the Transparency Serbia program explained that the main cause of this situation is the lack of political will.

“This is not just a lack of political will, the so-called political will to enforce the laws, but a very clear demonstration of the political will not to enforce the law,” said Nenadić, adding that this problem arose recently in Serbia. due to accidents at the state-owned Electric Power Industry of Serbia, which indicated the illegal appointment of an acting director by the government.

This article was published as part of the project “Civil society for good governance and the fight against corruption in South-Eastern Europe: Strengthening monitoring, advocacy and awareness-raising capacities (SELDI)” funded by the Union European.


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