UK-Albania Tech Hub offers opportunities for Western Balkans start-ups

Albanian and Western Balkan tech start-ups have once again been invited to participate in the UK-Albania Tech Hub, now in its third year.

The hub aims to facilitate bilateral technology partnerships between Albania and the United Kingdom. It focuses on technology start-ups that have the potential to contribute to growth in the UK by sharing innovation, skills and business opportunities between the two countries.

To do this, the project identifies targeted solutions, partners and collaboration models for technology start-ups, engaging entrepreneurs in capacity building events with key business experts leading to a UK delegation to meet business partners and technological potential.

Based on the success of the UK-Israel Tech Hub, the program includes a three-step approach to supporting technology start-ups and offers up to 20 spaces for start-ups with high growth potential to participate in a series of workshops in Tirana which will include training and mentoring session to help them develop their ideas and develop their capabilities using local and UK practices and expertise.

Following a competitive process, a number of start-ups who have successfully completed the training program will be selected to continue their training in London. Selected start-ups will be offered follow-up support to develop their business, including an acceleration program. for start-ups with high potential to further develop their activity.

Applications are open to all technology start-ups already established in the Albanian market or in the Western Balkan countries. More details, including application forms, can be found at

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