Ukraine advances in its quest for EU membership, unlike the Balkans

Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia received positive news on Wednesday regarding their seeking membership in the European Unionbut countries in the volatile Balkan region that waited years longer to become members of the world’s largest trading bloc appear to have fallen back in the queue.

In a series of reports, the EU’s executive branch has recommended that war-ravaged Ukraine be allowed to open accession negotiations, once it has closed certain loopholes.

The European Commission praised Ukraine, which Russian troops invaded last year, saying the government “has demonstrated a remarkable level of institutional strength, determination and ability to function.” But he added that negotiations should only begin after he attacked corruptionlobbying concerns and a law on national minorities.

Ukraine’s neighbor Moldova received a similar message.

Georgia was told it should be officially nominated as candidate to join it once it has filled its own shortcomings, particularly in the fight against corruption and electoral deficiencies. This does not mean that it will begin accession negotiations soon. The country will have to overcome more reform hurdles before this can happen.

The commission’s proposals, outlined in annual progress reports, primarily provide technical advice to the EU’s 27 member states on countries’ progress in aligning their laws and standards with those of the bloc.

EU leaders are expected to decide whether or not to endorse the recommendations at a summit in Brussels on December 14-15. There is no guarantee that they will agree to do so unanimously. Hungary and Slovakia are particularly cool towards Ukraine’s aspirationsFor example.

For 20 years, the prospect of EU membership has been a powerful driver of pro-democratic reforms in countries wishing to join. But the Balkan countries – Albania, Bosnia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo – are disheartened by the bloc’s failure to deliver on its lofty membership promises.

On the other hand, some aspirants seem to be treading water.

Bosnia remains plagued by ethnic divisions that make reform almost impossible. The commission said it should begin accession negotiations only after further progress has been made. He expressed concern about the justice system and other rights violations in the Bosnian Serb part of the country.

Serbia and Kosovo refuse to normalize their relations and place themselves last in line with the EU. After one of the worst cross-border attacks in northern Kosovo In recent years, their leaders can no longer stand to be in the same room.

Days before the recommendations were announced, commission president Ursula von der Leyen traveled to the Balkans to promote an economic growth plan containing $6.4 billion in free European loans and other support in exchange for more reforms.

Last month, a senior EU official said that some Balkan countries “continue to see themselves as the center of our attention and refuse to accept or admit that actually it’s Ukraine.” The senior official requested anonymity to speak candidly about the politically sensitive issue.

He said the consensus among many EU officials working with Ukraine was that kyiv “demonstrates everything we lack in the Balkans: energy, commitment, enthusiasm.” He said reports on the commission’s enlargement would be “the objective indicator of the situation.”

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Meanwhile, Turkey’s long-held hopes of joining appear to have stalled. The country began its EU accession negotiations in 2005, but these have barely made progress in recent years. Ankara’s progress report is grim, despite the bloc’s reliance on Turkey to stop migrants from coming to Europe.

The commission noted “serious deficiencies in the functioning of Turkish democratic institutions”. He said “democratic backsliding continues.” Human rights standards have deteriorated and no progress has been seen in the fight against corruption.

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