Where can Putin travel? How the ICC arrest warrant limits where he can visit


Russian President Vladimir Poutine is cautious about where he travels abroad these days. To visit one of the 123 countries who are members of International Penal Court risks his arrest on A mandate for alleged war crimes in Ukraine. Although the arrest warrant restricted Putin’s travel, it is far from certain that he or other senior Russian leaders will be brought to justice under international law. Meanwhile, the ICC is investigating other potential atrocities. For its part, Ukraine took the captives Russian soldiers put on trial for war crimes a few months after the start of the conflict.

These are violations of the rules of war as set out in various treaties, including the Geneva Conventions, a series of agreements concluded between 1864 and 1949. War crimes include intentional homicide, torture, rape, the use of starvation as a weapon, shooting at surrendered combatants, deployment of prohibited weapons such as chemical and biological weapons and the deliberate attack on civilian targets. The Kremlin has rejected allegations that its troops committed such transgressions in Ukraine.


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